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Tink Media
Tink is a podcast growth and ideas company that specializes in podcast PR, creative partnerships, in-app placemen...
Marketing Consultants


July 19, 2024:
December 18, 2023:
    Tink Media has launched Podcast Group Therapy, a paid-for group session on marketing your show. The idea is to make podcast marketing accessible to all.
August 29, 2023:
August 28, 2023:
    Feed the Queue has been refreshed and relaunched by Tink Media, and calls itself the ultimate podcast discovery podcast. It will feed your queue with an assortment of fantastic podcasts you would likely not have heard of. Join the team from Tink Media and creators from across the industry to learn about shows you’ll love. The press release uses the word "char-queue-terie", but we'll gloss over that and pretend it didn't happen.
August 15, 2023:
July 20, 2023:
May 23, 2023:
April 12, 2023:
April 3, 2023:
    Happy Adopt-a-Listener Month! "If we want the podcast industry to grow, we need to turn those non-podcast listeners into podcast listeners," says Tink Media, and they have audio and scripts for your podcast too. Hear one today in our daily podcast.
February 6, 2023:
December 15, 2022:
October 4, 2022:
    Want a new podcast recommendation? Live in the US or Canada? Just call the podline - 1 844 POD AT ME (1-844-763-2863). It's a new service from Tink Media.
April 15, 2022:
    Podland News this week includes an interview with Lauren Passell, the CEO of Tink Media, about why she has launched a podcast swap database for podcasters interested in setting up a promo swap for their podcast.

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