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Search for ‘Pocket Casts’


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Pocket Casts
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January 27, 2025:
    The Lex Fridman Podcast is apparently going to feature Matt Mullenweg, the co-founder of Wordpress (and owner of Pocket Casts), in a future episode. He's raised eyebrows recently after "going through a bunch of drama", and Fridman is keen to "nudge him" to admit "mistakes".
January 20, 2025:
    Pocket Casts v7.8 adds support for podcast descriptions that contain HTML.
January 13, 2025:
December 17, 2024:
November 12, 2024:
    Pocket Casts is getting ready to change “Subscribe” to “Follow” in its popular podcast app, according to change notes for the upcoming next version. The word “Follow” is used by both Apple and Spotify.

These are the five newest results: you can show all results

Podnews articles

How Apple Podcasts works in China: and why you’re (probably) not there
Apple Podcasts has changed in China. We've all the details of how it works.

How to test user-agent details for a podcast app
Wanting to discover how an app tells your podcast host who it is? Here's how to tell.

Questions to... Spotify's Maya Prohovnik
Spotify's future; its attitude to open RSS; and what a podcast is in the first place. We asked - she answered, in an exclusive interview for Podnews.

Is Podcasting 2.0 clear enough?
Is it clear enough to explain Podcasting 2.0?

How to understand podcast stats
Analytics from Apple, Spotify, YouTube, podcast charts, downloads, OP3, Podtrac and more: what does it all mean? What's the biggest show in the world; and how is your show doing?

Our recommendations for a new podcast app to replace Google Podcasts and Stitcher
Two big podcast apps, Stitcher and Google Podcasts, have both gone away. So what's the app most like those if you want to keep listening?

How people find your podcast in apps - who indexes what?
What podcast and/or episode metadata is indexed by which search engines and directories? How should you use your RSS feed to get more new listeners?

Mythbusting: are downloads from 'AppleCoreMedia' mostly Apple Podcasts?
Traffic from an AppleCoreMedia user agent should be lumped into the total numbers for Apple Podcasts. Is that true?

Can you help yourself to free podcasts for your audio app?
Can anyone take your RSS feed and use your podcast audio however they want? Another company doesn't quite understand the way that podcasters work.

Do ID3 tags matter for podcasts? What about SEO?
Are they a sure-fire way of helping your SEO? Or not used at all?

What app buttons should you have on your podcast website?
The Apple Podcasts one, of course, but which else? We discover something interesting from our own data.

In podcasting too, consent isn't optional
Some podcast companies are endangering the strange and potentially fragile equilibrium between the listeners, the creators, and the apps that are connecting them

Anchor bypasses Apple Podcasts approval process with copyright violating podcasts
Anchor's special deal with Apple lets anyone post anything, seemingly

Episode number support in podcast apps
How many podcast apps support the episode tag?

Podcast apps, privacy, and GDPR
Is NPR's RAD a privacy violation? No... but yes. We explain how podcasting works, and exactly how much data you're sharing.

Popular podcast app Castbox altered RSS feeds and is still removing links
Castbox has been republishing unauthorised and altered versions of podcast RSS feeds, and deliberately removing links to the websites of the podcasters they link to.

Chapter points in podcasts: a waste of time?
Which podcast apps support chapter points? Is it worth your while spending time and effort on them?


This is a blended search of Apple Podcasts and our podcast sample.
You can also search Amazon Music, Apple Podcasts, Podcast Index, and Spotify.

Pocket Cast!
Pocket Cast! Video Games, Podcasts, Leisure, Hobbies
One dude trying to get another dude into the amazing world of Nintendo DS
The Pocket Cast
The Pocket Cast Technology, Podcasts, Education, How To
Back Pocket Cast
Back Pocket Cast Leisure, Podcasts
Podcast by Back Pocket Game Reviews
The Out of Pocket Cast
The Out of Pocket Cast Leisure, Podcasts
Hello everyone, this is Keegan from the Out of Pocket Cast. This podcast is hosted by my friends and I, and we're here to have fun and talk about dumb stuff. Some of the things we'll be talking about may include Computers, Cars, Crazy News, Stupid People, and everything in between. If any of this sounds interesting, make sure to check out one of our recent episodes. Thanks for listening!
GAME POCKET CAST Games, Podcasts, Leisure
Falando sobre jogos de todos os anos, de todas as décadas.
Pockets Cast - UFMS
Pockets Cast - UFMS Society & Culture, Podcasts
🔥 Missões Universitárias do Dunamis Movement.🔥

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