Search for ‘Buzzsprout’
February 7, 2025:
Earlier this week, Livewire published data showing the share of new podcast episodes by hosting companies. Spotify for Creators saw a three point jump in share to 27%, its highest number for six months; the #2, Spreaker, also saw a record share of 14.3%; and #3 Buzzsprout posted an almost two-year high of 9.4%. Also posting highs were Captivate (the highest share since 2022) and RSS
February 3, 2025:
Could Apple Podcasts regain the top spot, over Spotify? Buzzsprout’s data for January shows Apple Podcasts on its highest download numbers for ten months, and less than a million away from Spotify. Here’s a historical graph.
January 27, 2025:
Buzzsprout is the best podcast hosting company, says TechRadar in a review that also gives special credit to Podbean, Libsyn, Captivate and Transistor.
January 21, 2025:
Wondering about using those AI-powered podcast description tools, that are offered by Buzzsprout, Blubrry, Ausha and others? It turns out that AI produces better SEO content, according to scientific research.
January 6, 2025:
iHeart’s consumer podcast host Spreaker published 13.5% of all new podcast episodes in December, according to Livewire - a record for the company, and an increase in share of 2.7x year-on-year. Its share was just 5% in December 2023, and it’s grown consistently since September. Spotify for Creators also saw an uplift to 24.4%; the #3 podcast host, Buzzsprout, saw a drop to 6.5%. Megaphone has also dropped year-on-year.
January 2, 2025:
In December, total overall podcast downloads on Buzzsprout were down 14% year-on-year. However, we’d not worry; both Spotify and Apple showed increases in download share; and we covered a few days ago that the total number of podcasts being updated is up 2.5% year-on-year. (And, if you’re getting plays on YouTube, or uploading video to Spotify, those plays never get back to your podcast host anyway.)
December 10, 2024:
The Dec 6 episode of Buzzcast, Buzzsprout’s podcast, promises 25+ Creative Podcast Marketing Ideas That Will Grow Your Audience.
November 25, 2024:
Podpage now supports “podroll” lists. A podroll, supported by podcast hosts like Buzzsprout, Blubrry, RSS
November 19, 2024:
These figures were calculated from Podcast Index data in August, using the dates for the first and last episodes in the feed. Some podcast hosting companies delete free accounts when the free trial ends, so they’ll not appear on this data. The top 5 companies with new shows in January this year were Spotify for Creators, RSS, Buzzsprout, Spreaker and Acast: who between them attracted 60% of new shows in that month.
November 7, 2024:
Buzzsprout has posted another record download share for Spotify: the app was responsible for 41.5% of all downloads in October. Apple Podcasts is up, however, to 30.4%. Downloads via web browsers almost halved month-on-month.
October 21, 2024:
The winners of the Women in Podcasting Awards were announced. Over 15,000 listeners participated in the voting process; and there were almost 400 nominees. Our analysis shows that Buzzsprout has the most amount of winning entries.
October 17, 2024:
The Late Bloomer Actor published a special end-of-season episode. Host David John Clark spoke to 12 hosts of his favourite podcasts from around the world, all collectively talking about podcasting, storytelling and community. Among the featured guests are TrueFans's Sam Sethi, Buzzsprout's Jordan Blair, and our Editor.
October 10, 2024:
Blubrry published its stats report for August. The share of Apple Podcasts downloads on the platform dropped to a new low, from 56% in January to 47.3%. Buzzsprout also reported a three-year Apple low for September, and Libsyn has similarly reported an all-time low for Apple Podcasts in August’s numbers.
October 9, 2024:
Buzzsprout now lets you create custom mid-roll placements - for dynamic content or Buzzsprout Ads.
September 23, 2024:
Pocket Casts uses the standard
feature in your podcast RSS feed. It doesn’t generate transcripts for you: like your thumbnail image and your audio, it’s all in your control. Podcast transcripts are supported by a number of large podcast hosting companies, including Blubrry, Buzzsprout, RSSSeptember 18, 2024:
Buzzsprout has achieved the latest IAB Podcast Measurement Guidelines compliance to v2.2. Megaphone achieved v2.2 in late July; Captivate and Audiomeans are the only other podcast hosting companies to be compliant with the latest standard.
September 13, 2024:
The Podnews Weekly Review this week talks to Steve Pratt, the author of the new book "Earn It: Unconventional Strategies for Brave Marketers", and discusses the importance of earning attention in the modern digital landscape. We also hear about Buzzsprout's new websites, and someone rings Sam's doorbell. (Full interviews in the Podnews Extra feed).
September 12, 2024:
Buzzsprout have rolled-out redesigned podcast websites - “to give (their) podcasters a professional site without the hassle.” New features include contributor bios (of guests as well as hosts), fan mail messages, recommended podcasts, and additional features. The Podnews Weekly Review is hosted (and sponsored) by Buzzsprout.
September 10, 2024:
Buzzsprout’s iOS app now has lock screen widgets - to put today’s download numbers, or your progress towards the next milestone, on your iPhone’s lock screen.
September 5, 2024:
The funding tag is the easiest way to help podcasters get paid. It’s one URL, which you can point to your Patreon, your Stripe account, or wherever you’d like. It’s already supported by many podcast hosting companies, including RSS
September 2, 2024:
Both Spotify and Apple Podcasts saw increase in download share for Buzzsprout shows last month. (Pocket Casts has almost doubled year-on-year.) iOS has increased over Android: possibly a knock-on effect from the end of Google Podcasts.
August 30, 2024:
Buzzsprout share 45 Top Podcasting Quotes from Podcasters. Some inspirational quotes that’ll look good on your office wall, perhaps.
August 26, 2024:
Above - what a request from the Apple Podcasts web player looks like, as seen by OP3. The user-agent looks like a browser; but the “referer” header makes it clear that this is coming from Apple Podcasts. Many podcast hosting companies (Ausha, Buzzsprout, Spreaker, Captivate and Transistor), and OP3, are using the referer to count these as Apple Podcasts downloads.
August 20, 2024:
Statistics in your podcast host - We asked a variety of podcast hosts. Ausha, Buzzsprout and Spreaker will correctly list this as Apple Podcasts. Omny Studio lists this separately as an Apple Podcasts website play. Captivate, Podbean, Megaphone, Spotify for Podcasters and RSS
August 2, 2024:
Buzzsprout’s overall statistics for July continue to show consumption on Spotify slightly leading Apple Podcasts. (It should be noted that Apple Podcasts has automatic downloads by default, while Spotify does not).
July 15, 2024:
Podcasting Made Simple Live is on Thursday from PodMatch - 13 virtual sessions including Q&A and a number of different speakers, including Alex Sanfilippo, the Buzzsprout team and Joe Casabona. The event is normally $97, but Podnews readers get in free.
July 2, 2024:
There is no change in the top 15 podcast host market share ranker, according to Livewire. Spotify, Spreaker and Buzzsprout remain the top three for June.
July 1, 2024:
Buzzsprout has rolled out a “fresh new look” - for its customers only, for now. Expect a greener green, a crisper and more modern feel, and... the company’s new logo. Here’s a sneak peek. The new font family for the company is Graphik.
June 28, 2024:
In the Podnews Weekly Review, Alban Brooke talks about Buzzsprout's new Android app, and Russell Harrower from podcast hosting company PodToo talks about interfacing podcasts with radio. We also hear the latest about YouTube and Google Podcasts.
June 25, 2024:
Buzzsprout has launched its Android app. It launched an iOS app a few months ago; it offers a number of features including analytics, publishing and “fanmail”. The app is free for Buzzsprout creators.
June 18, 2024:
Buzzsprout has launched a short weekly podcast called Buzzsprout Weekly. The show is aimed to cover new Buzzsprout tools, and is an accompaniment to the company’s weekly newsletter.
June 10, 2024:
Buzzsprout now supports Podlove chapters, meaning that chapter support for all Buzzsprout shows is now available within Spotify, which supports the format.
May 27, 2024:
Buzzsprout has launched an audio backup feature, allowing you to download all your audio (and artwork) as a big ZIP file for safekeeping.
May 6, 2024:
Buzzsprout launched fanmail last week - probably the closest we have to “cross-app comments” for now. Given that over 4 out 5 podcasts are listened to on a mobile device, the service places a link in your episode notes, which opens your text app, adding a code to route the message to the podcast that you’re listening to. This link will send a message to us, via the Podnews Weekly Review; and the system shows the messages to the podcaster via the Buzzsprout app.
May 3, 2024:
In the Podnews Weekly Review this week, Kevin Finn talks about "fanmail", a new way for listeners to get in touch with Buzzsprout podcasters. Plus, Captivate's Mark Asquith talks about the YouTube integration the company has worked on this week.
May 2, 2024:
For the first time, Spotify is now the most popular podcast platform by downloads, according to Buzzsprout’s global download statistics. Spotify slipped in front of Apple Podcasts for the first time, across Buzzsprout’s 124,000 active shows in April.
April 29, 2024:
Buzzsprout has made improvements to its Buzzsprout Ads product, allowing advertisers to approve individual podcasts.
April 22, 2024:
Last week, Libsyn was recertified under the IAB Podcast Measurement Guidelines v2.1. Captivate and Buzzsprout were last certified under v2.0 in 2020, but both companies are in the process of recertification.
April 18, 2024:
AdsWizz has successfully recertified for v2.1 of the IAB Podcast Measurement program. Podtrac and Simplecast also recertified in March. On the IAB TechLab website, there are still a number of companies only certified to v2.0, who haven’t recertified in more than three years: Anchor (now Spotify), Buzzsprout, Captivate, Chartable, Libsyn, Megaphone and Podbean.
April 2, 2024:
Downloads from Apple Podcasts are down 39% year-on-year for Buzzsprout podcasters, according to new Buzzsprout data released for March 2024. Spotify is also down by 11%. While the number of active podcasts on Buzzsprout is only down 1%, Buzzsprout customers published 12% fewer episodes, and data we shared last week from Podtrac showed an overall drop for larger shows of around 15%.
March 6, 2024:
As one open standard gets integrated by Apple (the transcript), another has been integrated by Spreaker. The company now supports podping, a near-instant way of communicating to podcast directories that you’ve published a new episode. Already supported by companies like Buzzsprout, Blubrry, Transistor, RSS
March 4, 2024:
Buzzsprout has released an app for iPhone, allowing Buzzsprout customers to manage their podcasts, wherever they are. The app enables everything from ad management to correcting typos in episode descriptions. An Android app is coming soon; the iOS app, which is free, is in the App Store now. (Buzzsprout sponsors the Podnews Weekly Review).
February 28, 2024:
How to Structure Your Podcast in 5 Steps (Buzzsprout)
February 20, 2024:
Buzzsprout has just rolled out YouTube as a supported destination in their Directories page, with six steps to get your podcast listed. In Buzzcast this week, a debate as to whether Spotify and YouTube are good for podcasting or not.
February 13, 2024:
Footy Prime The Podcast has scored a deal to join the team at the Acast Creator Network. The Canadian football show is top of the league for soccer shows in the country, and was a transfer from Buzzsprout. Beautiful game, back of the net, etc.
February 8, 2024:
Travis Albritton has joined Amaze Media Labs as Head of Marketing. He joins from Honest Podcasts and Buzzsprout.
February 2, 2024:
iOS 17’s changes to Apple Podcasts are analysed by Livewire, with January data. A drop in apparent downloads between 9-11% for “Apple-heavy” shows appears to now be a relatively constant number. Buzzsprout reports a slight drop in apparent Apple Podcasts downloads in January.
January 10, 2024:
Blubrry has published a new Statistics Report for January, including data from the Blubrry directory, and popular podcast apps. Unlike similar data from Buzzsprout and Libsyn, Spotify achieves less than 2% of all downloads and is not listed in the top podcast apps.
January 8, 2024:
Ten podcast companies are still not certified for the latest version of the IAB’s podcast measurement guidelines v2.1, in spite of being asked to do so by the end of 2022. More than a year later, the IAB’s list of compliant companies still shows AdsWizz, Anchor (now Spotify), Buzzsprout, Captivate, Chartable, Libsyn, Megaphone, Podbean, Podtrac and Simplecast as only compliant to v2.0 of the guidelines, something that means “they will lose current status”, according to the IAB Tech Lab.
January 2, 2024:
Buzzsprout’s platform stats for December showed a continuing drop for downloads on Apple Podcasts, with a share of 37.1%. The number of active podcasts on the podcast host increased year-on-year by 3.2%.
December 29, 2023:
In the Podnews Weekly Review this week, also listen out for one introduction James had to do on a plane as he was editing it. The show is sponsored by Buzzsprout.
December 21, 2023:
Buzzsprout is sending “Backtrack 2023” to its users, data showing how podcasts on the platform did. The links are shareable, so here is the data for our own Podnews Weekly Review. Unsurprisingly, our trailer is the #1 downloaded episode; and the show is in the top 10% on Buzzsprout, who sponsor the show.
December 5, 2023:
What’s the future for IAB Podcast Measurement? In November 2022, we reported that the IAB’s v2.0 certification would no longer be valid after Dec 31 2023. As of today, some of podcasting’s largest names are still only compliant to v2.0, and all will lose their claim to certification by the end of the year unless recertified: Adswizz, Buzzsprout, Captivate, Chartable, “EmpireStreaming” (now Soundstack), Libsyn, PodBean, Podtrac, Simplecast, and “Anchor” (now Spotify Creator Studio).
December 4, 2023:
Buzzsprout has released the company’s stats for November, allowing us to look a little more closely at the performance of Apple Podcasts since the iOS17 changes in mid September.
December 1, 2023:
In the Podnews Weekly Review, we talk to Anna Sian from Spotify for Podcasters; Christiana Cromer from Descript; and Neil Mody from Headliner. Neil thinks YouTube is good for podcasters; Christiana shares what Descript is doing in terms of AI, and Anna talks about the new Spotify 2023 Wrapped for Podcasters. It's sponsored by Buzzsprout.
November 24, 2023:
Podpage, the website tool for podcasts: "I decided really early that we would do the immense amount of work that it takes to support the embedded player for any host. So, if you have a Buzzsprout RSS feed, we'll automatically put your episode in a Buzzsprout episode player. That seems like it's simple, but it's an enormous file that's hard to keep up-to-date because of the number of hosts." - the creator of Podpage, Brenden Mulligan, is a guest in today's Podnews Weekly Review. We also speak with AdResults Media's Lisa Jacobs on brand safety.
November 22, 2023:
The change in auto-download behaviour for Apple Podcasts is showing up in Libsyn's data for October: Apple's share of downloads dropped 3.6% from August. Buzzsprout earlier reported a drop of 4.8% for Apple. (We're comparing August to October here, since iOS 17 rolled out in mid September.)
November 15, 2023:
Everyone at Buzzsprout is working a support shift over the next few months. "It helps us build empathy with our customers but also identify issues we could solve with marketing or in the product," says Alban Brooke.
November 14, 2023:
It looks like support for the podroll, a way to link to recommended podcasts, is coming to Triton Digital's podcast platforms, according to this maintenance note. Meanwhile, Buzzsprout has written up its implementation ("linked by us, not an algorithm"). We like their podroll.
November 13, 2023:
Speaking on the Podnews Weekly Review, Buzzsprout has announced support for the "podroll", a simple way to link to other shows you think your audience might like. Podnews's podcast pages support it - see it in use in the Buzzcast, under "Other shows you may enjoy". We understand that Blubrry will also announce its support today; as a supported feature of the Podcast Standards Project, we expect other podcast hosts to follow soon.
November 10, 2023:
Creators using Buzzsprout, including the Podnews Weekly Review, saw delays in stats from last week following an outage at Cloudflare. The company says all stats are now updated; and listeners were not affected.
November 2, 2023:
The biggest independent podcast host Buzzsprout released its network stats for October. Year-on-year, Apple Podcasts has increased download share by 3.5%; Spotify by 3.6%; and Google Podcasts increased its share by 0.3%. Total downloads were up 12.6% on the year, though dropped slightly month-on-month.
November 1, 2023:
The team at Buzzcast, the official Buzzsprout podcast, shares their learnings from YouTube's recent presentation to podcast hosts. The team talk stats, editing shows, and wonder aloud about how YouTube might run ads within shows.
October 18, 2023:
Virtual Fools is a podcast entirely generated by AI, first created by Oxford Road Creative Services in February this year to explore how much of a podcast can be generated with AI with as little human intervention as possible. VP of Creative Services Stew Redwine likes the true crime episode the most.
October 5, 2023:
Amazon has closed its streaming "radio" service Amp. The service launched in March last year; and reportedly fired half its staff twelve months ago.
October 3, 2023:
Buzzsprout saw a drop for Apple Podcasts and Spotify downloads; Google Podcasts posted its best-ever download share of 3.5% on the platform, just in time for it to close.
September 27, 2023:
After Adam Curry told them off for only publishing their conversations with podcasters on YouTube, rather than - um - a podcast, Buzzsprout Conversations has been launched by the podcast host as an actual podcast. The show lets you learn from podcasters about their success.
September 4, 2023:
The share of downloads from Apple Podcasts for shows hosted by Buzzsprout increased by over 2% in August.
July 18, 2023:
Amazon is to bring its Amp live radio app to Android. The company launched it on iOS 16 months ago; and reportedly fired half its staff last October.
July 14, 2023:
Buzzsprout's AI service now automatically creates three tweets and writes a draft blog post for each new episode on the platform. Wondering what they look like? Here is the output from the Podnews Weekly Review this week, which is sponsored by Buzzsprout (and this week interviews Christopher Lydon and is co-hosted by Rob Greenlee).
July 11, 2023:
Interview: We spoke to Jack Davenport, the company's MD, in the Podnews Weekly Review in January
July 4, 2023:
Buzzsprout has posted its platform stats for June. Apple Podcasts downloads are up nearly 2% month-on-month.
June 14, 2023:
Auphonic has launched an AI-powered automatic generator for shownotes, summaries and chapter points. It's competition for Buzzsprout, who partnered with Podium, and Capsho. Auphonic's API is used by many podcast hosting companies.
June 5, 2023:
Downloads from Apple Podcasts are on an all-time high according to Buzzsprout's stats for May. The numbers are likely to reflect Apple now correctly identifying more of its traffic, instead of the ambiguous AppleCoreMedia name; those numbers continue to decrease.
June 2, 2023:
In the Podnews Weekly Review this week, Sam Sethi and James Cridland talk with Alban Brooke from Buzzsprout and Maxime Piquet from Ausha about their use of AI in podcasting. The title and description is produced by AI, too.
May 26, 2023:
Buzzsprout and Ausha have both launched AI tools to help podcasters when publishing new shows. Buzzsprout's tool automatically builds episode titles, descriptions, chapter markers and transcripts; while Ausha has added ChatGPT to help produce social media posts. Both services are available to all customers, joining other services like Capsho.
May 18, 2023:
Buzzsprout has enlarged its podcast advertising tool to allow ads from products and businesses.
May 2, 2023:
Apple Podcasts increased its share of all downloads to 37.8% in April, according to Buzzsprout data.
April 28, 2023:
Hosting: Libsyn won a Stevie Award for product innovation … Buzzsprout has added unlimited team members to its podcast hosting service.
April 14, 2023:
Buzzsprout has added automated midrolls to their dynamic audio insertion tool. The tool automatically works out "excellent placements" for midrolls in episodes, allowing you to add or remove sponsor credits as well as other time-sensitive messages.
April 10, 2023:
In the Podcasting 2.0 "board meeting" this week (transcript), a long discussion about what format to use for transcriptions, plus a heated discussion about Nostr. Guests are Kevin Finn and Tom Rossi from Buzzsprout.
April 5, 2023:
Libsyn's latest platform stats numbers seem to mirror Buzzsprout's in seeing a drop for their "Apple Podcasts" numbers (which include AppleCoreMedia), and a year's high for listens on Spotify.
April 4, 2023:
Buzzsprout's statistics for March show a drop in downloads from Apple Podcasts and a growth in listens via Spotify, which had its best figures since Dec 2021. We should see a significant increase in Apple's figures for April, as the new version of iOS rolls out.
April 3, 2023:
Spotify for Podcasters increased its share in March to 23.1% of all new episodes: a six month high for the podcast host formerly known as Anchor. Spotify's Megaphone also posted an all-time high. At #3, iHeart's Spreaker saw a dramatic increase from 5.4% to 6.5%, perhaps due to a misleading announcement that the platform was "now free" (it was just a small tweak on already existing free accounts). Buzzsprout remains at #2.
March 28, 2023:
First look: A new grassroots industry coalition, the Podcast Standards Project, has been launched to advocate for open podcasting. The group includes podcast hosting companies like Buzzsprout, Red Circle, Captivate and Acast; and podcast players like Pocket Casts and Podverse. The group's initial blog post highlights why open podcasting is better for listeners and creators alike.
March 10, 2023:
The Podnews Weekly Review was recorded live at Podcast Movement. James and Sam's guest was Jordan Blair from Buzzsprout. We talk about the new Spotify announcements in front of a live audience.
March 7, 2023:
An error at Spotify meant CarMax, a used car financing firm, was incorrectly highlighted as a sponsor of a number of podcasts. Our own Podnews Weekly Review was affected - we were alerted by, um, its real sponsor, Buzzsprout (awkward). A spokesperson for Spotify said that the company "identified the issue and swiftly resolved this matter." We understand it's a different error to one which placed a liquor sponsor on a number of shows last year.
March 3, 2023:
In the Podnews Weekly Review, details of beer in Las Vegas (and a live taping of the show), and Steve Pratt joins James and Sam to talk about his role as an 'attention strategist'. Also, discover how to start using Podfans today. It's sponsored by Buzzsprout (though Spotify added another sponsor today too).
February 13, 2023:
In Podcasting 2.0 this week, Adam Curry tried Buzzsprout's new support feature; and Adam and Dave Jones talk about how to keep the Podcast Index API running for free for years to come.
February 3, 2023:
Data: How many podcasts have trailers in their feeds? Podnews looked at 362,324 podcasts feeds in our sample over the last three months: just 50,096 of them (14%) have a trailer marked in their feed. Trailers are given special promotion within many podcast apps, and can be an ideal way to help potential listeners understand what your show is about. Here's some advice from Apple Podcasts and from Pacific Content: your podcast host has a special setting for one.
February 2, 2023:
Last month, Buzzsprout saw a market share growth of almost a percentage point, according to John Spurlock's LiveWire. RSS·com overtook iVoox to become the #9 biggest podcast hosting company, as measured by total new episodes published; Megaphone overtook Soundcloud to reach #7.
January 27, 2023:
The Podnews Weekly Review this week includes an interview with Jack Davenport, the co-founder and Managing Director of Goalhanger Podcasts, responsible for some of the UK's biggest shows like The Rest Is Politics. We also hear James's views on the stock market and Spotify's layoffs, and Sam calculates the average salary for a Spotify employee. It's sponsored by Buzzsprout.
January 24, 2023:
Buzzsprout has announced a podcast subscriptions tool. You can choose from recurring support, or premium content only available to your supporters; the company takes a fee of 15%. The Podnews Weekly Review has added the opportunity to become a PoWeR supporter if you'd like to see it at work.
January 19, 2023:
Audioboom has announced a set of new content partnerships, including The Tim Dillon Show (ex Megaphone), Myths and Legends (ex Omny Studio), The Minds of Madness (ex ART19), The Nateland Podcast (ex Omny Studio) and Celebrity Memoir Book Club (ex Buzzsprout).
January 10, 2023:
Later today, Apple Podcasts will announce the launch of Delegated Delivery (beta), allowing creators to publish Apple Podcasts Subscriptions content directly from their participating hosting provider dashboard. Blubrry, Libsyn, Triton Digital's Omny Studio and RSS·com are the first to offer the service: Acast, ART19, Buzzsprout and other providers will follow. Creators can still upload subscriber audio directly to Apple Podcasts Connect.
January 6, 2023:
The Google Podcasts app itself got no new feature updates in 2022. A press release announcing a Google-branded podcast forgot the platform existed in February. A YouTube document suggested it might merge into that product; but progress seems to have stalled. The third biggest podcast app, it was responsible for 2.6% of all podcast plays from Buzzsprout in December.
January 3, 2023:
Buzzsprout’s Review of the Year Every podcast story of the year that mattered. And, Spotify's swanky suppers
January 2, 2023:
Spotify's Anchor has seen the first increase of market share for six months: the company was responsible for 22.3% of all new episodes in December. Buzzsprout's market share dropped slightly, but the company remains a strong #2 at 8.6%. The number of total new episodes dropped by 7.8%.
December 23, 2022:
Buzzsprout has published its 2022 Year in Review, as a YouTube video. Adam Curry, Jake Shapiro, and our Editor all make an appearance; and there are plenty of links in the description. Recommended!
December 16, 2022:
The last Podnews Weekly Review for this year is an epic - more than two hours, including interviews with Barometer, Oxford Road, the Podcast Index and Ad Aures, and 2023 predictions and 2022 highlights from 12 different podcast folk. Sponsored by Buzzsprout, it's available now.
December 14, 2022:
Spotify also uses "follow"; so between them, more than two-thirds of podcasts are already consumed using a service that uses the phrase "follow". Listeners follow shows to add them to their Library, receive new episodes, and be notified when they’re available. They can subscribe to support their favorite shows and unlock premium audio experiences.
December 5, 2022:
Buzzsprout has posted its network statistics for November. The only regularly released IAB-compliant numbers, the numbers show a slight drop for Apple Podcasts (now 38.2% of all downloads), and a smaller rise for Spotify (up to 26.6%). Google Podcasts is the third largest podcast app, with 2.7% of all downloads.
November 30, 2022:
Apple says podcasts don't need email addresses in their RSS feeds any more to combat spam, but the Canadian Podcast Awards is not having it. The removal of email addresses from RSS feeds "isn't one we agree with, or will support," the organisation says, adding "we do not have any plans at the moment to support feeds without contact information". Buzzsprout, Podbean and Canada's Transistor are among those who have removed email addresses by default from feeds.
November 29, 2022:
Transistor has followed Buzzsprout's lead by removing email addresses from podcast RSS feeds, to combat spam: something Podnews has highlighted for a number of years. The company has also added support for a verification code to help podcasters claim their shows.
November 18, 2022:
Cameron Moll has joined Buzzsprout as VP of Design. He is a design leader formerly of Meta and Pendo, and also founded short-form audio platform Spoken in 2015.
November 14, 2022:
A new user-agent lookup list has been produced by John Spurlock. Based on both OPAWG and Buzzsprout's implementations, including web referrers, it's a specific and highly-detailed useragent, device and OS detection list for podcast analytics. Here is the current repo and discussion: if you're running a podcast hosting company, would this data help enhance your stats and/or simplify maintenance?
November 11, 2022:
AI-generated podcasts are all the rage: Eric Borgos describes how he aims to make more than a hundred automated shows, and upload them automatically through Buzzsprout. His code comes up with the title, artwork, images, and content.
November 10, 2022:
Buzzsprout has won the internet with this helpful video about the secret to a great interview. For some reason not adequately explained, it's recorded in a style from the 1990s; or perhaps that's what Florida is still like.
November 7, 2022:
John Spurlock has been evaluating useragent lists for OP3, and has tried both OPAWG and Buzzsprout lists.
November 2, 2022:
Buzzsprout's platform stats for September give Amazon Music a 0.7% market share of all podcast downloads; it is, however, the #3 podcast platform in Japan with 24% of the population using it.
October 31, 2022:
Following a growing issue with spam email to podcasters, and after Apple said they no longer needed emails in feeds, Buzzsprout has become the first major podcast host to remove email addresses from RSS feeds. (They'll give the ability to add them back in temporarily to help claim shows).
October 24, 2022:
A group of podcast companies, RSS Buzzsprout Transistor Libsyn and Acast, are working on a project to promote open standards for podcasting. "The Podcast Standards Project" hopes to launch its website before January's Podfest.
October 14, 2022:
The weekly review show from Podnews, Podland, this week has Todd Cochrane talking about the early days of his podcast Geek News Central; and Alban Brooke with new things from Buzzsprout.
September 28, 2022:
How can you get into Samsung Podcasts? Buzzsprout tell you how.
September 19, 2022:
Amazon Music is celebrating two years since the launch of podcasts in the app. It currently has a 0.7% share globally, though is a top 3 app in Japan.
September 16, 2022:
By way of comparison, Buzzsprout currently suggests that most podcast episodes see fewer than 29 downloads in the first thirty days.
September 13, 2022:
Happy Birthday to Buzzsprout, which turned 13 years old on Sep 1.
September 5, 2022:
August's platform data for Buzzsprout, a podcast hosting company, shows a drop for the share of Spotify plays on its podcasts, down from 28.2% to 27.4%. Total downloads for all of Buzzsprout are up 10% month-on-month, and up 50% year-on-year. John Spurlock puts them in a graph.
September 1, 2022:
Anchor was still the #1 podcast host in August, according to new data from John Spurlock's Livewire, but the company's share of new episodes continues to fall from a high in April. Meanwhile, Buzzsprout increased its share significantly, from 7.9% to 9.0%: the highest share for six months. There were 1.6m new podcast episodes published in August, up 5.4% from July.
August 19, 2022:
Opinion: SiriusXM claims that Stitcher has transcripts available for "some but not all" podcasts, and has "been working diligently to identify and select the technology to implement closed captioning". Let's save them the time - the solution is the podcast:transcript tag, which is in production in a number of podcast hosts, including Buzzsprout, Captivate and others. An already-supported, creator-friendly, open tool that allows both transcripts and closed-captioning could certainly help.
August 9, 2022:
Blubrry has partnered with Descript to allow Descript users to publish their edited podcasts directly from the app. Blubrry joins Buzzsprout, Captivate, Castos, Hello audio, Podbean, Podcast·co and Transistor with this functionality. Blubrry publishing is also available directly from Hindenburg.
August 3, 2022:
The new Buzzsprout Ads have earned independent podcasters more than $100,000 so far, according to the company.
July 11, 2022:
We've updated our podcast market data slides to include last week's Infinite Dial Canada, and Buzzsprout's podcast platform data from June.
July 6, 2022:
Buzzsprout's data for June shows a small drop for consumption share via Apple Podcasts: down from 40.7% to 39.4%. Spotify has increased by a percentage point to 26.4%.
June 27, 2022:
Buzzsprout has added a new share page for all Buzzsprout websites. Here's the share page on Podland's website, for example.
June 7, 2022:
Buzzsprout's global stats don't include AppleCoreMedia, under-estimating downloads from Apple Podcasts. On the other hand, Libsyn's stats wrongly attribute all traffic to AppleCoreMedia as Apple Podcasts.
June 6, 2022:
First look: Buzzsprout, the world’s second largest podcast host, has just formally announced Buzzsprout Ads, letting podcasters buy adverts for their shows (and other podcasters to earn revenue).
May 27, 2022:
In Podland News this week, we recorded in Shure's studio at The Podcast Show. There are interviews with Shure, RSS, The Podcast Show organisers, and Lemonada Media: and we inexplicably have a new sponsor this week alongside Buzzsprout and SquadCast. Nobody remembers signing the contract for this one, though.
May 25, 2022:
Buzzsprout has launched Buzzsprout Ads in beta. The system automatically finds the right place for a midroll ad, and pays 1.4 cents (USD) per download. You can check eligibility in your dashboard. The official launch is next week.
May 20, 2022:
In a special (and day late) episode, Podland News, the last word in podcasting news, is live today, at 3.15pm UK time, 10.15am Eastern. James is in Sam's studio in the UK; we're joined by Bloomberg's Ashley Carman (who isn't). Expect a roundup of the week's podcasting news, and mentions of sponsors Buzzsprout and SquadCast.
May 17, 2022:
A number of initial podcast hosting companies have been announced including RSS·com, Libsyn and Buzzsprout; but if you run a podcast hosting company and wish to participate in Delegated Delivery, you're encouraged to fill out this form. (Memo to Apple: here's a list).
May 9, 2022:
PodcastDetails is a new website visualising shows and data - try their visualisation of Podland or Adam and Dave's Podcasting 2.0.
May 3, 2022:
Facebook was responsible for just 0.3% of all podcast downloads last month, says Buzzsprout. It had reached 0.5% in February, making it the 17th largest podcast app.
May 2, 2022:
More than a quarter of new podcast episodes published in April were on Anchor, according to data from John Spurlock: Spotify's free podcast host was responsible for 25.8% of all new podcast episodes in April, breaking 25% for the first time. The rest of the top five were Buzzsprout, Spreaker, Libsyn, and at #5, Podbean which overtook Omny Studio last month. More ranking detail in The Tech Stuff, below.
April 21, 2022:
Buzzsprout is looking for a YouTube Platform Specialist to join their team. (It's for the Buzzsprout YouTube channel, though, rather than YouTube's wider podcasting ambitions.)
April 11, 2022:
Podcast host Anchor's creator interface is now available in 35 different languages. Of the top five podcast hosts, Omny Studio is in six languages, Spreaker available in four; Buzzsprout and Libsyn only offer English, though YouTube is in 82 different languages. It's unclear whether support is available in all of them. Podcasting is growing faster in non-English languages.
April 4, 2022:
Anchor, Buzzsprout and Spreaker were the podcast hosting companies who published the most new episodes in March. John Spurlock's monthly data shows a significant rise for Libsyn (possibly due to the launch of Libsyn Studio, its free podcast hosting alternative).
March 28, 2022:
Podland News this week, recorded at Podcast Movement Evolutions, features special guest Alban Brooke of Buzzsprout. Sam, James and Alban talk about the conference, YouTube's 'big announcement', and much more.
March 15, 2022:
The winners of the Spark Media Podcast Awards were announced, honouring faith-based podcasters. Our list includes podcast hosting companies; Buzzsprout hosts more of these winners than anyone else.
March 11, 2022:
Buzzsprout tells us how to set up Audacity for recording and editing. (We would note that Audacity is owned by a company with Russian connections).
March 7, 2022:
In our sample, we observed Buzzsprout losing 27 podcasts last week, and Libsyn losing 14. The podcast hosts gaining the most were, as they always are, Anchor and Megaphone; though Simplecast and Acast also saw a good number of migrations.
March 2, 2022:
Are indie podcast apps gaining ground? Buzzsprout report Apple had 35.7% of all downloads in February (down from 37.2%); Spotify 27.9% (also down from 28%). Google Podcasts has grown to 2.5%; Amazon Music has grown to 0.8%; and Facebook is up slightly to 0.5%. In their official podcast, Buzzsprout also mentions "a big update soon".
February 23, 2022:
Acast has been been "spamming podcasters", says competitor Buzzsprout, which has published an unsolicited email from Acast sent to many of Buzzsprout's customers; we're aware they've also been sent to Anchor users too. While legal in most countries, it's seen by many as bad behaviour, and this proposal could remove email addresses from RSS feeds altogether. We asked for statements:
February 14, 2022:
Buzzcast, the official Buzzsprout podcast, is now enabled for "value4value", joining The New Media Show and Podland News as accepting cryptocurrency from audiences. You can support these shows using new podcast apps like Fountain.
February 2, 2022:
We've been there too. In spite of following Google's recommendations, our own Podland News was switched in December from podcast host Buzzsprout to point to (confusingly) a 301 redirect on Captivate, its former host - without our consent. That lost our stats for a little bit; and would normally take two weeks to correct. Similarly, in October, a test podcast feed in Google Podcasts was switched erroneously to a similar URL; again, losing stats (and again, pointing to a 301 redirect).
January 24, 2022:
Buzzsprout lost 28 podcasts from its platform last week, but Anchor also lost 28 shows according to our sample of podcasts. Anchor podcasts were (are still?) being produced in a non-compliant format, which makes them unplayable in some podcast apps
January 17, 2022:
Apple Podcasts or Spotify don't use Podping. Both platforms check our RSS feed every five minutes or so. Assuming they do that for each of Buzzsprout's 107,045 active podcasts, that is more than 18,090,605 RSS feed requests. Podping would reduce that traffic to just 159,696 requests (one per new episode): saving 99.2% of bandwidth, server time and electricity while offering a better-updated directory for listeners.
January 4, 2022:
Buzzsprout has published its platform stats for Dec 2021. Compiled using IAB certified data, it shows Apple Podcasts once more well in the lead for episode downloads.
January 3, 2022:
More new podcast episodes were published last month on Anchor and Buzzsprout than anyone else, with both podcast hosts increasing their market share by more than 1%.
December 16, 2021:
tag is an open standard, supported by a number of podcasts and offers both static transcripts (in HTML or text) or real-time captions (in the SRT format). It has significant usage already - widely supported by many modern podcast hosts including Captivate, Transistor, Buzzsprout, Omny Studio and others, a number of podcast apps display these transcripts, including the popular Android app Podcast Addict. This open standard enables podcast publishers to produce accurate transcripts for themselves.
December 15, 2021:
Do Anchor podcasters find it too hard to get into Apple Podcasts? The Podcast Index's Dave Jones reports that "726,234 Anchor feeds in the index do not have Apple iTunes IDs". The company stopped auto-submitting podcasts to Apple in June, resulting in a significant slow-down for Apple numbers. (Earlier this year, Buzzsprout told us that only 60% of their shows have bothered submitting to Apple).
December 13, 2021:
Buzzsprout now supports the podcast:person tag for hosts and co-hosts. It's available to everyone (and added to Podland).
December 6, 2021:
PodLP is enabling transcripts shortly within its app, and has posted a demo. The
tag is supported by podcast hosts like Buzzsprout, Captivate, Castopod, Fireside FM and others.
December 2, 2021:
Buzzsprout say that Apple Podcasts is back in front - increasing its market share to 32.8% of identified downloads. The company got 48.5% of its downloads from the US, and now has 106,972 active podcasts.
November 22, 2021:
This hasn't happened before to our knowledge: Buzzsprout lost the most amount of shows in our sample last week, losing 40 shows overall. Anchor hoovered up 60 shows overall, with Megaphone and Acast also doing well.
November 11, 2021:
Anchor, Spreaker and Buzzsprout published the most new podcast episodes in October, according to new research from John Spurlock. He's overwritten last month's data, but the web archive never forgets.
November 5, 2021:
On Buzzsprout's Buzzcast, Alban, Travis and Kevin talk about microphone stands and their home setup. It appears they get a lot of review units.
November 3, 2021:
Buzzsprout's stats for October 2021 were released, showing Spotify and Apple Podcasts level-pegging at 31% of all downloads. Downloads via Facebook are up by more than 50% month on month, but account for just 0.3% of all downloads. The data underestimates both Apple Podcasts and Facebook, since it discards AppleCoreMedia plays.
October 21, 2021:
Buzzsprout has added an IFRAME-based player, for sites that don't like JavaScript, confetti, web notifications, and an updated podcast directory submission tool
October 8, 2021:
A market share of podcast hosts based by new episodes has been published for September. John Spurlock's Livewire Labs has produced the data: Anchor published the most new episodes, with Buzzsprout, Spreaker, Libsyn and Soundcloud also in the top five.
October 5, 2021:
A Little Bit Culty has been signed by Acast, and returns for a second season later this month. Hosted by former members of a cult, it was with Buzzsprout.
September 22, 2021:
In terms of total global downloads, Buzzsprout's figures for August suggest it's already happened: Spotify is on 31.7% and Apple Podcasts on 26.9%. Libsyn, however, says August's figures show Apple at 59.3% and Spotify 15.1%. Podnews analysis in May suggests that both companies' figures are incorrect.
September 20, 2021:
Buzzsprout suggests how to name your podcast. They suggest not to use the word 'podcast'.
September 6, 2021:
Our podcast hosting changes data shows Buzzsprout losing 19 shows overall last week, and Megaphone gaining 32 shows.
September 1, 2021:
What did Zack achieve? The Google Podcasts Android app hit 100m downloads in April; and in July, Buzzsprout reported that it was the world's third largest podcast app, hitting 3% of all podcast plays. Podcasts are also highlighted within the main Google search; and a Google Podcasts link works on every single Android phone since the player is built into the always-present Google app, and the same link also works on iOS and desktop as well. Here's where to get badges.
August 24, 2021:
You can now link to a specific timestamp in a podcast episode on Buzzsprout. Alban Brooke's demonstration of it chooses an excellent show.
August 23, 2021:
Buzzsprout RSS feeds now include the
- a feature of the podcast namespace that allows you to link to shows with an ID that should never change.
August 16, 2021:
Following up on our story last week about Apple Podcasts's continuing bugs, podcast host Buzzsprout gives some advice to podcasters to promote alternatives to Apple Podcasts, "if you want to push your listeners to a different app so that they actually get your episodes when they come out".
July 29, 2021:
“South East Asia is the blue ocean. I see all the action happening in the West: guys, the whole supply, the next frontier is here.” So says Ron Baetiong, the founder and CEO of Podcast Network Asia, interviewed on this week's Podland. Podcasting is growing fast in the Philippines and Indonesia: countries where Spotify has a significant lead.
July 28, 2021:
Buzzsprout has added a dynamic content library, allowing you to save and track dynamic pre-rolls or post-rolls. The feature also comes with tracking, so you know how many times each pre-roll or post-roll has been heard.
July 22, 2021:
On Podland this week, sponsored by Buzzsprout and Riverside․fm, NOVA Entertainment's Head of Podcasts & Digital Content Rachel Corbett co-hosts with James Cridland, Podnews's Editor. We talk fiction podcasts, dynamic ad insertion, podcast market slowdowns, GoodPods and social audio; and an we have an interview with Grammar Girl's Mignon Fogarty, who has been podcasting since 2006.
July 16, 2021:
Podland News this week with James Cridland and Sam Sethi talks to Nick Hilton about his new podcast, Jemily Rime talks about the future of podcasting, and Zach and Rock from Squadcast talk about their new release, which'll go down well with one of the sponsors, Riverside FM. Also sponsored by Buzzsprout.
June 29, 2021:
Facebook is making a new podcast: Boz To The Future is available on Facebook itself (if you're in the US, you're running the latest app, and Facebook have let you use the podcast feature). Or it's on Buzzsprout for everyone else.
June 23, 2021:
Facebook's launch of podcasts within their app was slow to appear yesterday. Buzzsprout has been able to see it: Alban Brooke sharing its Facebook page with a 'podcasts' tab visible, which shows a list of episodes but which don't play yet (though you can leave excellent comments there). It's confirmed to not work outside the US: in Australia, they can't see the Podcasts tab at all.
June 22, 2021:
Facebook has launched its in-app podcast experience today. To get listed, you need an invite directly from Facebook: and they'll only play in the US. We gather that Buzzsprout, The Joe Budden Podcast, and Jam Street Media were some of those chosen to get podcasts set up on their pages. Facebook's Clubhouse clone, Live Audio Rooms has also launched: that, again, is for the US only, and live rooms are only available on iOS. "Later this summer, we’ll roll out additional features, like captions and the ability to create and share short clips of a podcast," says Fidji Simo, Head of Facebook App.
June 11, 2021:
Buzzsprout post how to get new listeners with your cover art.
June 3, 2021:
Buzzsprout now supports any Podcasting 2.0 channel tag. Libsyn supports channel or item tags.
May 31, 2021:
Brian of London writes an article on why podcast apps and aggregators should be using Podping. Podping is now in live beta with Buzzsprout, RSS․com, Captivate and Transistor.
May 19, 2021:
Libsyn has released its most popular platforms for April, in The Feed: Apple has 60.01% and Spotify 13.65% of all podcast downloads. Earlier this month, Buzzsprout released its April figures: it reports Spotify and Apple Podcasts both tie at 29.3%.
May 6, 2021:
Buzzsprout's Alban Brooke promised a tip for each like that this tweet got. We suspect he thought it would get about twelve; but so far it's received 350 likes, and contains some great ideas. It would be rude for us to suggest you might like it too.
May 3, 2021:
How to get to one million downloads; an interview with Sheena Yap Chan.
April 26, 2021:
Headliner, the best-known tool to make social video for your podcasts, now supports Soundbites - a new Podcasting 2.0 tag also supported by Buzzsprout.
April 14, 2021:
Google Podcasts has hit 100m installations on Android. Since November it has doubled installations, added support for subscribing by RSS feed, and is the #3 podcast app according to Libsyn and Buzzsprout. It's due to launch personalised episode recommendations at some stage this week. Surprisingly, it is not a standard install on new Android phones.
April 9, 2021:
Congratulations to Buzzsprout, which now has 100,000 active podcasts, according to Buzzcast, the company's podcast.
April 5, 2021:
Buzzsprout claim that Spotify has now overtaken Apple in podcast downloads. This data doesn't mirror that from other podcast hosts: but there might be a story in that. We're asking more questions.
March 26, 2021:
In the Apple Podcasts app in iOS 14.5 beta 5, released earlier this week, some people who have looked carefully at the open iOS beta have noted the Podcasts app now includes "a link to your iCloud information". This, we're told, is typically added to Apple apps that accept payment. There is more discussion in Buzzsprout's Buzzcast this week.
March 16, 2021:
Buzzcast from Buzzsprout unveiled new "dynamic descriptions", and went into detail about how they made the special show about their DDOS attack.
March 3, 2021:
Do you need a podcast guest release form? (Buzzsprout) (Includes a link to an actual podcast guest release form)
March 1, 2021:
Buzzsprout has published a technical postmortem of their DDoS attack last week. Their podcast, Buzzcast, also goes into the incident.
February 24, 2021:
Buzzsprout, Podbean, Spreaker and Captivate were all subject to a denial-of-service attack. The same attackers appear to have been involved. We were wondering why they've targeted podcast hosts: so we talked to the group behind the attacks.
February 23, 2021:
The next episode of Buzzcast will include details of Buzzsprout's DDOS attack, which continued throughout much of Monday. Spreaker also suffered a similar attack. No personal information was accessed. More on this tomorrow.
February 22, 2021:
Buzzsprout was the subject of a DDoS attack over the weekend. The company reports that the attacker "attempted to extort Buzzsprout by promising to end the attack if we pay them money"; the company refused. Personal information was not compromised; the attack appeared to stop RSS feeds working for a while.
February 17, 2021:
If switching to Buzzsprout, the company now lets you import your podcast stats. Meanwhile, Castos has rolled out multiple user support.
February 4, 2021:
PodcastAddict now supports the new
tag. Buzzsprout also supports it (for whole podcasts, rather than individual episodes); and Podnews podcast pages also support that, like this from North Idaho Now.
February 2, 2021:
Thank you to Buzzsprout for increasing their support for Podnews. Big or small, we're grateful for support from many of the best companies in podcasting.
January 26, 2021:
The Ultimate Guide to Podcast Ads in 2021 (Buzzsprout)
January 15, 2021:
Podland this week features a look at Clubhouse, interviews with Adelicious, the BBC World Service, and sponsor Buzzsprout has some detail on their dynamic content feature. It's hosted by Sam Sethi and Podnews's Editor, James Cridland. Come and find out why it's the #23 news commentary podcast in Slovenia.
January 12, 2021:
Buzzsprout has announced dynamic content for every podcaster on the platform. The product allows automated prerolls and postrolls. Kevin Finn from Buzzsprout will be on Podland this Thursday.
January 1, 2021:
December 22, 2020:
Libsyn has said it will support the Podcast Index tags, Adam Curry will announce in the next edition of Podcasting 2.0. Buzzsprout is already supporting the new tags, and Blubrry has already said it plans to support them soon too. The podcast will have a special guest: our Editor.
December 21, 2020:
If you use a custom domain on Buzzsprout, they're now all using SSL, for better listener privacy (and higher Google SEO). Here's an example.
December 4, 2020:
How to use the compressor in Audacity (Buzzsprout)
December 2, 2020:
For the month of November, Buzzsprout report that 32.3% of their downloads went to Apple Podcasts, with 25.5% of downloads to Spotify, and Google Podcasts getting 2.6%. The company tells us that, after some tweaks to their algorithm, this is a more accurate reflection of total downloads to Apple Podcasts than previous data from the company.
November 30, 2020:
Buzzsprout is now the world's largest paid-for podcast host. The company overtook Libsyn (including LibsynPro) according to data from ListenNotes over the past few days, which measures RSS hosting domains. Buzzsprout itself claimed it has 82,574 shows at the end of October; Libsyn claims just 62,000 podcasts on their main website but over 75,000 in their latest press release; Libsyn haven't responded to recent requests for comment. While both companies also offer custom RSS domains, Buzzsprout has a limited free plan.
November 24, 2020:
Buzzsprout have released their platform stats for October, and will publish these online every month from now on. Apple is now at 47%, and Spotify at 24.4% of all downloads. The data includes podcast apps, episode duration, downloads over the first seven days, and more.
November 16, 2020:
Spotify is taking a bite out of Apple. Buzzsprout has shared the top podcast 'agents' on their platform. Apple Podcasts accounts for just 47% of all plays and downloads, Spotify for 24.4%, and Google Podcasts is third with 2.4%. These are the lowest numbers yet for Apple Podcasts from a podcast host. (Libsyn's data only shows mobile app downloads, and has a higher percentage of US downloads).
November 11, 2020:
How to Remove Background Noise in Audacity (Buzzsprout)
November 10, 2020:
Buzzsprout now supports "visual soundbites", a way to mark shareable portions of podcasts in apps and social media. A tag from Podcast Index's new "podcast" namespace, here's a soundbite from the Podcasting 2.0 show, on Podverse.
November 3, 2020:
Buzzsprout has achieved IAB certification for podcast measurement, achieving it without any adjustments to their systems. "Our customers will not see any drop in their numbers", says co-founder Tom Rossi.
October 22, 2020:
Podcorn, a self-service marketplace connecting podcasters with advertisers for native sponsorships, is announcing new partnership deals with podcast hosts Buzzsprout, Podomatic, RSS, Captivate and Omny Studio. Podcorn claims to have done thousands of campaigns with tens of thousands of podcast creators.
October 21, 2020:
The second keynote session at Podcast Movement Virtual looked at emerging podcast markets across the world. Our Editor hosted it; panelists were Norman Chella from Malaysia, who hosts the Podlovers Asia podcast; Paula Rogo from Kenya, who runs the Pods4Africans newsletter; and Núria Net from Spain, from the boutique podcast publisher La Coctelera Music, currently in the middle of several productions for Podimo, Audible and others.
October 20, 2020:
Buzzsprout is the first podcast host to support the new
RSS element, designed to help with the podcast piracy problem. "Buzzsprout now fully support this element on both sides. You can toggle the locked status of your podcast on/off and Buzzsprout will not import a locked podcast."
October 13, 2020:
Buzzsprout has launched a transcript distribution service and integration with Podcast Addict. Podcasters using Buzzsprout can also offer synchronised captions. The company is working with The Podcast Index to make this an official RSS tag.
September 3, 2020:
Podcast host Omny Studio published a privacy policy for listeners in May, joining Acast, Buzzsprout and Captivate, we discover. No other podcast host has clear privacy policies to explain to listeners what happens to their identifying data when they listen. (Here's ours). Writing personally, our Editor called for these in December 2019: if privacy is as important to some podcast hosts as they claim, we look forward to seeing their privacy policy for listeners, too.
July 8, 2020:
How to get booked on podcasts (Buzzsprout)
June 2, 2020:
Buzzsprout now has a button to get your podcast listed with Podchaser.
June 1, 2020:
Descript, a "edit podcast audio as if it was a word document" tool, has a number of new features in v3.6, including remote recording and an integration with Buzzsprout and Headliner.
May 19, 2020:
How to cite a podcast (Buzzsprout)
May 15, 2020:
Buzzsprout have unveiled new features including transcripts, additional directories, embeds and a premium service, Magic Mastering, that the company describes as "like an Instagram filter for your audio".
May 6, 2020:
How to structure your podcast (Buzzsprout)
April 29, 2020:
Buzzsprout have reviewed Listen Notes, a podcast search engine.
April 24, 2020:
We got the wrong link to this the other day: Buzzsprout's article on How to monetise your podcast.
April 22, 2020:
Tips and tricks published today include how to pick credible experts for your podcast (JAR Audio) and how to monetise your podcast (Buzzsprout).
April 10, 2020:
Buzzsprout has published a review and walkthrough of Hindenburg Journalist Pro.
March 24, 2020:
Jarika Johnson writes saying "As an African-American woman I have travelled to over 20 countries, and I began the podcast Blackpacking to discover other people of color's stories of travel".(Buzzsprout)
March 17, 2020:
Crazy Town, an unexpectedly cheery podcast about the climate emergency and human unsustainability, launched its second season last week. Rob Dietz writes eight things he learnt while making it. "Not all recordings are worthwhile, even some of the funny ones. It can be a great joy collaborating with creative colleagues. At times we made ourselves laugh to the point of abdominal pain, but some of the material that caused such outbreaks failed to make the cut because it didn’t strengthen the message of the episode." (Buzzsprout)
March 16, 2020:
Podcast hosts should not be forced to remove inaccurate or false information about the coronavirus, says entertainment lawyer Gordon Firemark in an article for Podnews today. "We haven't seen anything yet," says Buzzsprout's Alban Brooke, "but if somebody uses Buzzsprout to promote fake 'cures' that would be a violation of our TOS and we'd 100% remove it."
March 13, 2020:
To help schools move to online classes and aid the spread of reliable information, Buzzsprout is providing free pro accounts for those working to combat COVID-19 for the duration of the pandemic - including schools, government entities and NGOs, non-profits or first-responders combatting the coronavirus.
February 27, 2020:
Headed to Podfest? Buzzsprout is throwing a kick-off party Thursday before Podfest. They'll be taking over Splitsville in Disney Springs from 4-8 PM for bowling, billiards, food, and drinks. Tickets are limited, but we've got 50 tickets for Podnews readers.
February 24, 2020:
Distinct Nostalgia, a UK television nostalgia podcast, carried an interview with a big story: that "Dot Cotton", June Brown, was leaving EastEnders, a popular BBC soap, after 35 years. The story made it to television news, newspapers, and, naturally, the BBC website. (Buzzsprout)
February 4, 2020:
Buzzsprout has unveiled advanced podcast statistics, which the company claims are privacy-aware and use industry best practice. They're available to all their publishers at no extra cost, and promise "insight into podcast performance over time, episode downloads, listener location, and apps/devices used."
January 30, 2020:
Podcast host Buzzsprout has released an updated How To Start A Podcast guide. The guide is updated every year, and looks at eight stages in the process.
January 16, 2020:
Eye on Potatoes is a podcast on all things potatoes, from the US's National Potato Council. We just thought you'd like to know it existed. It's hosted on Buzzsprout. Where else?
January 10, 2020:
Thank you to Hysteria 51, which has joined Podnews as a personal supporter today. It's a weekly podcast that takes an every-man approach to the World of the Weird. (And it's in the chart in eleven countries!) (Buzzsprout)
December 10, 2019:
Podcast host Transistor now supports WebSub, to help get your episodes quicker to podcast apps. Captivate, Simplecast, Zencast, Transistor, Powerpress and Buzzsprout now all support the standard.
October 23, 2019:
Resonate Recordings highlights their new one-click posting feature for Libsyn, Podbean and Buzzsprout, in a video featuring two impressive beards .
October 22, 2019:
Our podcast pages now highlight podcasts who are using WebSub to make their new episodes appear faster in listeners' podcast apps. Find it in the Technical Details section: try ours, any from Captivate, like Captivate Insider, any from Simplecast, like Uncommon, any from Buzzsprout, like AskPat, and plenty more.
October 21, 2019:
Our podcast pages now highlight podcasts who are using WebSub to make their new episodes appear faster in listeners' podcast apps. Find it in the Technical Details section: try ours, any from Captivate, like Captivate Insider, any from Simplecast, like Uncommon, any from Buzzsprout, like AskPat, and plenty more.
October 15, 2019:
Buzzsprout has launched an Affiliate Marketplace, to "make it easier for podcasters to start monetizing their podcasts in a meaningful way by using affiliate marketing".
September 2, 2019:
THE NEWS with Anthony Davis is a daily newscast, promising "five minutes of verified, honest & truthful world news". It's produced by Anthony Davis, a UK broadcaster. (Buzzsprout)
August 7, 2019:
50 podcasters share the tactics they used to grow their shows in a well-researched advice piece from Buzzsprout.
July 30, 2019:
About Time is a look at our complex relationship with time. The second episode, currently out, has a quantum physicist, Carlo Rovelli, clearing up misconceptions about how time works. (Timely app / Buzzsprout)
July 25, 2019:
Acast, Buzzsprout, Transistor, Podbean, Captivate and Megaphone are some of the publishers that have switched on the new Apple podcast categories for their users. (We've also shifted to using
News > Daily News
in our podcast as the primary category.)
July 23, 2019:
Podcast host Buzzsprout has written a guide to acoustic treatment for your home studio. They point out: "where you record and how you treat the space has more to do with high quality sound than what microphone you have".
July 11, 2019:
Advice: microphone technique for podcasters (Buzzsprout)
July 1, 2019:
The Practical Futurist Podcast looks at the near-term future through the eyes of global experts and asks... "What's the future of..." Today's episode is about the future of work, with Dominic Price from Atlassian. (Buzzsprout)
June 3, 2019:
How to build a dating app is a new podcast from, well, a company building their own dating app. (Buzzsprout)
May 8, 2019:
If you're with Buzzsprout, they've just added a bunch of deals for their customers, with money off audio editors, stickers and more.
May 2, 2019:
The Mueller Report: A Radio Dramatization is an adaptation of the report, "narrated by a fictional Robert Mueller who speaks in much more direct terms than the real Mueller has the freedom to". It's a fun listen. "I'm an old man. You're making me tell you a bad, dumb, bedtime story. I don't want to do this - but I will." (Buzzsprout)
March 25, 2019:
Welcome to over 300 new subscribers over the last two weeks, including from companies like ABC Australia, Scripps, Gimlet Media, Stitcher, NPR, SRF, Buzzsprout, Acast, Turner, Megaphone, iHeartMedia, Spotify, Deezer, Westwood One, Radioplayer Germany, Entercom, ACE Radio, and the BBC.
March 18, 2019:
Still with advertising, The History Of Advertising is a podcast series to celebrate golden age of British advertising, from The History of Advertising Trust. A ten-part series of ten-minute episodes, it "looks back at some of the most revelatory ads from the past fifty years". (Buzzsprout)
January 17, 2019:
Podcast host Buzzsprout has added a redesigned podcast player for people who host with them.
January 10, 2019:
The Young and the Weary is a New York City based life and comedy mashup podcast hosted by Jeremy Pinsly, a 32-year old stand-up comedian from Nashville and Dolores “Dev” Rogers, an 88-year old comedic actress from Buffalo. (Buzzsprout)
November 23, 2018:
In Entrepreneur, Eric Siu posts five keys to creating subscribe-worthy podcasts, while Buzzsprout publish strategies to turn casual listeners into raving fans, and The Podcast Host covers how to name episode titles.
November 19, 2018:
BuzzSprout think they can help you choose a name for your podcast.
November 16, 2018:
Buzzsprout writes how to promote your podcast on social media, telling us:
October 1, 2018:
Media Masters is an extended interview podcast from the UK with media people at the top of their career. The latest episode is with Alison Phillips, Editor of the Daily Mirror, a UK newspaper. (We thank them for their support). (Buzzsprout)
November 20, 2017:
Where do you get music for podcasts? Valerie Geller passed this on - details about sources of stock and royalty-free music.
July 21, 2017:
Shared by Valerie Geller, How to record, edit and mix a great sounding podcast includes tips and tricks for those starting out. Never harms us to read these and see what we think.