Search for ‘boudet’


July 23, 2024:
July 10, 2024:
    Unlike Apple Podcasts reviews, all Comments are private, and you choose to make them visible - plus, you can publicly reply to them, and you can block accounts to help fight online trolls. You can turn off Comments altogether too, in the Spotify for Podcasters dashboard or in the new app - they’re all features requested in comments to our Report Card earlier on this year, which we shared with Spotify directly. Our comments are open, though, so if you can, leave us a comment.
December 22, 2022:
September 2, 2021:
August 24, 2021:
April 22, 2021:
October 14, 2020:
September 4, 2019:
July 12, 2019:
    Sword & Scale's Mike Boudet has been widely accused by others of being behind these paid-for one-star ratings. We've no evidence of that, but have reached out to him multiple times for comment. (His email address? He's mailed us before.).
June 28, 2019:
March 15, 2019:
    Sword and Scale earns at least $75,000 a month from Patreon, and after a review, Patreon has decided that its host, Mike Boudet, can remain on the platform, in spite of his denigrating comments and social media bullying. We reported on Monday that Wondery had sacked him from the network. He's also deleted all but 65 of his tweets. Patreon removed some creators last year.
March 11, 2019:
    Wondery has parted ways with Mike Boudet's true crime podcast Sword and Scale, after Boudet had repeatedly posted comments many found offensive, and behaved aggressively online. Sword and Scale posted an emotional announcement from Boudet, who blames Aaron Mahnke and Rabia Chaudry, and says he has laid off his staff and closed his show. Chaudry congratulates Wondery for "finally doing the right thing"; Mahnke claims, in a long thread, that Boudet has been increasingly aggressive and that hundreds of people had complained to Wondery. A freelance journalist called Maggi sums up the story from her point of view.

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