Women in Podcasting Awards: time is running out to register

Women in Podcasting Awards: time is running out to register

Press Release · Vancouver, BC, Canada ·

The deadline to register your podcast as a nominee in the Women in Podcasting Awards is fast approaching. Women podcasters are encouraged to submit their entries by July 31st to be considered for recognition.

The Women in Podcasting Awards celebrates the outstanding achievements of women in the podcasting industry. It aims to elevate female voices globally and highlight the diverse and impactful content created by women around the globe. From storytelling and education to business and entertainment, these awards honor the creativity and dedication of women podcasters who are making a difference.

Important Dates:

  • Nominee Registration Deadline: July 31, 2024
  • Voting Period Begins: August 1, 2024
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“We are thrilled to provide a platform that recognizes and celebrates the contributions of women in podcasting,” said Jennifer Henczel, Founder of the Women in Podcasting Network. “These awards not only shine a light on incredible talent but also inspire others to share their stories and voices.”

To nominate your podcast, visit https://womeninpodcasting.net/awards and complete the registration form before the July 31st deadline. Once registered, your podcast will be eligible for voting starting on August 1st. Encourage your listeners and community to cast their votes and support your nomination.

A virtual awards ceremony will take place later this year, where we will come together to honor the creativity, passion, and influence of women in the podcasting industry. The official winners will be announced following the event.

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About Women in Podcasting Network: The Women in Podcasting Network is dedicated to empowering women podcasters by providing resources, support, and opportunities for meaningful connection and collaboration. Founded by Jennifer Henczel, the network aims to elevate women’s voices and stories globally, fostering a vibrant and inclusive podcasting community.

This is a press release which we link to from Podnews, our daily newsletter about podcasting and on-demand. We may make small edits for editorial reasons.

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