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Universities in Wales Launch New Podcasts About Real Student Experiences

Press Release · via Bengo Media ·

This article is at least a year old

All universities in Wales have worked together to launch two new podcast series aimed at giving young people in Wales a real insight about university life.

Let’s Talk About Uni - and its sister Welsh language series Sgwrsio am Brifysgol - features 30 students sharing stories about the application process, money worries and getting to grips with student life.

The podcasts are part of University Ready – a collection of free resources from universities in Wales aiming to help students take their next steps into higher education. Both series were produced by Cardiff based audio company, Bengo Media.

Leigh Amor, Project lead, The Open University in Wales, said: “We hope listeners find the series relatable and inspiring. Hearing current students sharing their real-life experiences and advice is a valuable resource for anyone thinking about higher education or about to start university.”

This is a press release which we link to from Podnews, our daily newsletter about podcasting and on-demand. We may make small edits for editorial reasons.

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