Podchaser Leads the Pack in G2's Winter 2024 Media and Influencer Targeting Index Across Six Key Categories

Podchaser Leads the Pack in G2's Winter 2024 Media and Influencer Targeting Index Across Six Key Categories

Press Release ·

Podchaser, the podcast industry’s intelligence engine, has been distinguished as the leader in the G2 Media and Influencer Targeting Relationship Index as part of their Winter 2024 Reports for the Podchaser Pro product. This placement underscores Podchaser Pro’s excellence in service and the high value data and insights it delivers to clients on various areas of the podcast industry that are critical to their business objectives.

G2 Reports draw on user reviews to gauge satisfaction and performance for products and services throughout the media landscape. Podchaser Pro’s top position, particularly in the media and influencer targeting category, reflects its exceptional ease of doing business, outstanding quality of support, and strong likelihood of recommendation by its users.

“This recognition is a testament to the hard work of the Podchaser team and the incredible group of clients we work with who made these recommendations,”said Bradley Davis, CEO of Podchaser. ”Importantly, this award is also indicative of the value that Podchaser Pro brings to the table amid the rapidly growing influencer economy. As the global creator economy is tracking to reach a $480 billion value in the next three years, agencies and media buyers are waking up to the critical role that podcasters play in that arena.

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Podchaser’s leading data-driven products and services will continue to help them engage with the medium and the creators that drive it forward."

In addition to its leadership in the Relationship Index, Podchaser Pro has also earned high marks across various other segments in G2’s comprehensive Winter 2024 reports:

  • Media and Influencer Targeting Grid® Report
  • Implementation Index for Media and Influencer Targeting
  • Momentum Grid® for Media and Influencer Targeting
  • Americas Regional Grid® Report for Media and Influencer Targeting - Results Index for Media and Influencer Targeting
  • Usability Index for Media and Influencer Targeting

Podchaser Pro’s robust toolset enables PR Firms, Ad Agencies, brands and small businesses to target and engage with media and influencers effectively. For detailed information on Podchaser Pro’s capabilities, please reach out to sales@podchaser.com.

This is a press release which we link to from Podnews, our daily newsletter about podcasting and on-demand. We may make small edits for editorial reasons.

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