The Podcast Broker lets toddler podcast take first steps to a new owner
This article is at least a year old
ThePodcastBroker.com - a site dedicated to buying and selling podcasts, has brokered the sale of the podcast - Toddler Purgatory. Toddler Purgatory is a podcast created by Adalyst Media. The podcast has been publishing episodes for two years and will be continuing to grow and publish episodes under its new ownership.
The selling of entire podcasts is a newer concept in the podcast industry, and ThePodcastBroker.com has been pleased to help facilitate these transitions. Both seller and buyer are finding the platform a resource. Millions of podcasts exist. Published content, established audiences, and potential growth from both a content and audience perspective are valuable.
ThePodcastBroker.com provides free podcast evaluation for hosts looking to sell their shows. To provide a baseline price estimate, visitors to the site can complete the evaluation form on the site to receive feedback. Those looking to purchase a podcast can reach out via the site to find a listing of podcasts for purchase.
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