Flightpath to Unveil YouTube Predictive Analytics at PM24

Press Release · Toronto, ON, Canada ·

Flightpath, the premier provider of predictive analytics and podcast ad inventory management solutions, is excited to announce the launch of YouTube Predictive Analytics at the upcoming Podcast Movement conference in Washington D.C., taking place from August 19-22, 2024. This real-time visibility into future availability across YouTube and podcasting platforms will accelerate and simplify how teams sell and manage their simulcast campaigns, allowing teams to focus on generating revenue and better satisfying buyer requests.

As digital advertising continues to advance, more publishers are engaging in simulcast strategies as they increasingly represent shows across platforms such as YouTube and Megaphone. Many of these publishers have expressed frustration with the challenge of unifying their inventory management tools and a lack of reliable inventory availability. Flightpath addresses this challenge head-on, offering clients not only the top-tier service they have come to expect but also the strategic guidance and insights needed to effectively price, promise, and deliver simulcast inventory and promotions.

Alan Abdine, Head of Ad Revenue for YMH Studios, praised the innovation, stating, “Flightpath has once again demonstrated their ability to identify and solve marketplace challenges with precision. Their new solution will significantly streamline our media planning process, allowing us to focus on maximizing results for our clients and enhancing our bottom line.”

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Laurie Belleau, Flightpath’s Chief Revenue Officer, commented, “Introducing YouTube Predictive Analytics is a significant milestone in our mission to support publishers across both YouTube and various podcasting platforms. We are committed to empowering publishers with the tools they need to manage their reach, performance, and analysis across all emerging media channels.”

Flightpath CEO Sean Howard added, “Our clients have been frustrated with issues related to overselling and underselling their YouTube inventory. Our new predictive analytics tool provides the level of accuracy they’ve come to expect from the podcast side of their business. And we’re just getting started; our goal is to offer comprehensive campaign reporting, predictive insights, and performance tools that will help our clients scale their businesses and deliver exceptional results for their buyers, in a single IO.”

For more information on working with Flightpath, please reach out to laurie@flightpath.fm.

About Flightpath

Flightpath is the predictive analytics platform for podcasting, increasing revenue by providing the insights and support publishers need to identify opportunities and solve problems for their business. Teams can spend more time strengthening relationships with buyers and less time wasted on spreadsheets and manual reporting. See what industry-first alerts, campaign prediction, trusted sales availability, ad-ops tools, opportunity cost analysis, and decision-making support can do for your company at flightpath.fm.

This is a press release which we link to from Podnews, our daily newsletter about podcasting and on-demand. We may make small edits for editorial reasons.

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