Left Of Dial Media launches the inaugural Essential Listening Poll

Left Of Dial Media launches the inaugural Essential Listening Poll

Press Release · Toronto, ON, Canada ·

Unlike movies, music, and books, podcasts have never received the mainstream critical attention they deserve. They are rarely discussed, debated, or analyzed outside of industry circles after their initial release. Beloved shows fall off the charts and become invisible to new listeners, buried under an algorithm that favors new and familiar.

“We have yet to write our history or establish a cannon and keen new listeners are left without a starting point for exploration. The poll will celebrate the rich history of podcasting, help develop a culture of criticism, create broad debate and discussion, and breathe new life into timeless classics and forgotten cult hits,” says Alan Black, founder of Left of Dial Media.

In mid-April, a diverse list of participants including members of The Podcast Academywill be invited to vote in the poll, sharing their top five shows, shining new light on the work that has most inspired, engaged, and influenced them. Votes will be tallied and a definitive list of the top 100 podcasts of all time, along with individual participant lists, will be created and widely distributed with a launch and reveal atPodcast Movement in Dallas in August and a series of accompanying articles and celebratory events.

“There has been so much enthusiasm for a project like this. We are thrilled to partner with industry leaders like Good Tape, Podcast Movement and The Podcast Academy and tastemakers like Eurowaves and EarBuds Collective to bring this project to life,” adds Black.

“Good Tape Magazine aims to engage critically with the profound impact podcasting has on our culture,” says Dane Cardiel, founder of Good Tape. "We’re eager to extend this work through our partnership with Left of Dial Media and hope it will spark countless conversations, discussions, and debates about the medium we love.”

The Essential Listening Poll will ensure that the groundbreaking and unforgettable shows of yesterday continue to find new audiences and inspire the creators of tomorrow and that the history of podcasting pervades the culture and is widely celebrated and discussed.

For more information about The Essential Listening Poll and how to get involved, go to www.leftofdialmedia.com/essential-listening-poll

About Left of Dial Media

Left of Dial Media was newly founded in the spirit and with the attitude of college radio. We want to turn you on to your next favorite show - the one you didn’t know you needed, the one that changes your life. It is our mission to produce, distribute, and champion incredible audio and create opportunities for new and visionary voices on and behind the mic.

About Good Tape

Good Tape is a magazine and creative studio based in Los Angeles and Brooklyn. We aim to elevate both cultural and critical coverage of the podcast industry, while bringing the best design and creative practices to our clients.

This is a press release which we link to from Podnews, our daily newsletter about podcasting and on-demand. We may make small edits for editorial reasons.

Companies mentioned above:
EarBuds logoEarBudsPodcast Movement logoPodcast MovementThe Podcast Academy logoThe Podcast Academy


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