Crossing the Desert being recorded

Crossing the Desert: UAE's First Reality Show Takes Entrepreneurship to New Heights

Press Release ·

The UAE’s podcast landscape is about to be revolutionized with the launch of Crossing the Desert - the first reality show podcast that immerses listeners in the exhilarating journey of launching a business in Dubai. This groundbreaking podcast is a collaborative effort between Fortis, a Dubai-based company providing POS and CRM solutions tailored to small business needs, and Hatch Up Studio from Lisbon, Portugal, renowned for their narrative podcasts that explore stories of people around the globe.

“Crossing the Desert” is unlike any other podcast. Each episode brings new, unpredictable challenges, capturing the essence of the entrepreneurial spirit. This innovative format ensures that neither the creators nor the listeners know how the season will end, as it unfolds in real life alongside our host.

The first season has already garnered significant attention, with five episodes released, engaging listeners with its raw and authentic storytelling. Across two seasons of eight episodes each, audiences will witness the highs and lows, the triumphs and setbacks, and the indomitable willpower of an entrepreneur on a mission.

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As our host navigates the complex world of business decisions, he also delves into the stories of other ambitious entrepreneurs who have successfully carved out niches in Dubai’s competitive market. These inspiring conversations not only showcase the diverse ways in which small business owners are making a global impact but also serve as a beacon of motivation for aspiring entrepreneurs worldwide.

Among the notable guests featured in “Crossing the Desert” are:

  • Omar and Dina with their textile brand Tica’s
  • Simy with her luxury and sustainable fashion brand Sustainably.U
  • Danny, founder of the DK Hot Sauce brand
  • Wajda Khalidi with Levant Food, aims to provide natural Palestinian products to each household

The impact of “Crossing the Desert” extends beyond entertainment. It represents a significant addition to the MENA podcast industry, which has seen remarkable growth in recent years. Recent studies indicate a significant rise in podcast popularity across Saudi Arabia and the wider MENA region. Marketiers MENA’s research reveals 5.1 million regular podcast listeners in Saudi Arabia. The region also leads globally in heavy podcast consumption, with 67% of adults in Saudi Arabia listening to at least an hour of podcasts weekly (Campaign ME). Spotify MENA notes a 190% increase in podcast streaming in 2022 alone, reflecting a growing interest in long-form content and niche topics (Campaign ME).

About Fortis:

Fortis is a Dubai-based company specializing in providing POS and CRM solutions tailored to meet the needs of small businesses. Their expertise lies in empowering entrepreneurs with the tools they need to succeed in a competitive market.

About Hatch Up Studio:

Hatch Up Studio, based in Lisbon, Portugal, specializes in narrative podcasts that explore the stories of people from all over the world. Their audio shows are known for their compelling storytelling and global perspective.


Crossing the Desert: how businesses are setting and growing in the Emirates
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