Cancer Council launches second season of its podcast
This article is at least a year old
Cancer Council NSW has launched the second season of its podcast series The Thing About Cancer, following the success of the first season released in 2017.
Hosted by renowned broadcaster and cancer survivor, Julie McCrossin, the podcast series features interviews with health professionals who talk through answers to complex questions surrounding a diagnosis, treatment, symptoms and side effects, as well as conversations with people about their personal experience
The latest season, launched this week, features six new episodes which focus on key topics and common challenges faced by people after a cancer diagnosis.
Ms McCrossin says she is excited to return as host for the podcast series and that listeners will find the information valuable and easy to understand.
“What’s great about podcasts is you can listen to them when and where you like. You can listen to them while you’re waiting for treatment or lying down in your own home.
“That’s why I was so thrilled to team up with Cancer Council again to make season two of The Thing About Cancer, where I talk to experts about what really matters to people who’ve had a cancer diagnosis. Things like how to manage fear, what to do about pain, and why do I have to have so many tests?” Ms McCrossin says.
Since launching in July 2017, season one of The Thing About Cancer has received over 11,800 listens and was recently recognised as a finalist in the 2018 Australian Podcast Awards.
Cancer Council NSW Support Services Manager, Lauren McAlister, said the podcast series provided trusted information in an easy-to-access format for anyone affected by cancer, including families and friends.
“Every year in NSW alone, more than 48,000 new cases of cancer are expected to be diagnosed, and every diagnosis affects the patient as well as many people around them.
“Research shows that people often have unmet information needs after a cancer diagnosis and podcasts are an increasingly popular platform for accessing information. They offer an easy alternative for people who are time-poor, perhaps because they are caring for someone with cancer, or for those who feel too unwell to read or take in large amounts of information,” Ms McAlister said.
Season two is presented in an interview-style format, with new episodes being released each week covering topics as diverse as understanding tests and scans, brain fog (cognitive impairment) after cancer treatment, and the impact of cancer on relationships with family and friends.
Both seasons of The Thing About Cancer are free and available through a range of digital channels, including iTunes and the Cancer Council NSW website: cancercouncil.com.au/podcasts
This is a press release which we link to from Podnews, our daily newsletter about podcasting and on-demand. We may make small edits for editorial reasons.
Companies mentioned above:Australian Podcast Awards