Why Parcast's SEO makes it a podcast agency to look up to

This article is at least a year old
Parcast is the most powerful podcast agency in the world, and here’s why.
In terms of podcast SEO, as in learning algorithms and content systems involved in raising your podcast ranking and discoverability, many organizations are missing the boat on user intent. Potential users are continuing to flock to major productions instead of circling around indie users of the platform, not only because of reliable content but also because the ease of searching for these shows is significantly better than most personal brands and many shows on the various platforms.
The premier example of this is of course Parcast. Parcast has distanced themselves from the rest of the podcast community in a variety of ways, the least of which isn’t the simplicity and synchronicity of their titling and content clusters. A quick view of their website and shows will review just how ingenious their methods for new content has become. Want a show about mythology? They have a show literally named Mythology. Interested in Con Artists? Done. Serial Killers? Don’t even ask, just type it into the search bar.
Moreover, each episode of the various high-interest topics is literally the name of the content provided. If anyone could go back in time and own the blog post on vampires or camping they would be a millionaire, which has been the powerful niche that Parcast and LaunchPod Media has targeted and are capitalizing on.
In a generation where most domains are owned and people have had to become more clever to purchase important domains, we neglect the wild west nature of the podcasting space. This honestly ancient view of podcast SEO, where the creator titles their show an arbitrary name with little to no connection to their content should have every search savvy millennial saying “Okay Boomer.”
Perhaps instead of naming your podcast something creative and cute, perhaps simpler is not only better but the best option. For more information on podcast discoverability, LaunchPod Media has also created a slide deck for indie and corporate users alike at their website.