New and changed Apple Podcasts categories: summer 2019 (updated)

New and changed Apple Podcasts categories: summer 2019 (updated)

· First published · By · 2.1 minutes to read

This article is at least a year old

Apple announced that “later this summer” they’ll be adding top-level categories such as Fiction, History, and True Crime — as well as dozens of new subcategories.

Here are the changes in full. Apple’s announcement says that some will be renamed and mapped to the new category; and gives guidance on what happens if a sub-category is removed.

Categories were removed from Apple Podcasts apps on 24 July 2019, and these new categories went live on August 2nd.

The changes to the podcast categories

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These are updated July categories, which were slightly changed from the original announcements.


  • Books (new)
  • Design
  • Fashion & Beauty
  • Food
  • Literature (removed)
  • Performing Arts
  • Visual Arts


  • Business News (removed)
  • Careers
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Investing
  • Management & Marketing (removed)
  • Management (new)
  • Marketing (new)
  • Shopping (removed)
  • Non-profit (new)


  • Comedy Interviews (new)
  • Improv (new)
  • Standup (new)


  • Courses (new)
  • Educational Technology (removed)
  • Higher Education (removed)
  • How to (new)
  • K-12 (removed)
  • Language Courses (removed)
  • Language Learning (new)
  • Self Improvement (new)
  • Training (removed)

Fiction (new)

  • Comedy Fiction (new)
  • Drama (new)
  • Science Fiction (new)

Games & Hobbies (removed/renamed to 'Leisure’)

  • Automotive (removed)
  • Aviation (removed)
  • Hobbies (removed)
  • Other Games (removed)
  • Video Games (removed)

Government & Organizations (renamed to Government)

  • Local (removed)
  • National (removed)
  • Non-Profit (removed)
  • Regional (removed)

Government (renamed from Government & Organizations)

History (new)

Health (renamed to Health & Fitness)

Health & Fitness (renamed from Health)

  • Alternative Health
  • Fitness & Nutrition (removed)
  • Fitness (new)
  • Medicine (new)
  • Mental Health (new)
  • Nutrition (new)
  • Self-Help (removed)
  • Sexuality

Kids & Family

  • Education for Kids (new)
  • Parenting (new)
  • Pets & Animals (new)
  • Stories for Kids (new)

Leisure (new)

  • Animation & Manga (new)
  • Automotive (new)
  • Aviation (new)
  • Crafts (new)
  • Games (new)
  • Hobbies (new)
  • Home & Garden (new)
  • Video Games (new)


  • Music Commentary (new)
  • Music History (new)
  • Music Interviews (new)

News & Politics (removed / renamed “News”)

News (new / renamed from News & Politics)

  • Business News (new)
  • Daily News (new)
  • Entertainment News (new)
  • News Commentary (new)
  • Politics (new)
  • Sports News (new)
  • Tech News (new)

Religion & Spirituality

  • Buddhism
  • Christianity
  • Hinduism
  • Islam
  • Judaism
  • Religion
  • Other (suggested and then removed again)
  • Spirituality

Science & Medicine (renamed “Science”)

  • Medicine (removed)
  • Natural Sciences (renamed Science > Natural Sciences)
  • Social Sciences (renamed Science > Social Sciences)

Science (new / renamed from Science & Medicine)

  • Astronomy (new)
  • Chemistry (new)
  • Earth Sciences (new)
  • Life Sciences (new)
  • Mathematics (new)
  • Natural Sciences (new / renamed)
  • Nature (new)
  • Physics (new)
  • Social Sciences (new / renamed)

Society & Culture

  • Documentary (new)
  • History (removed)
  • Personal Journals
  • Philosophy
  • Places & Travel
  • Relationships (new)

Sports & Recreation (removed/renamed Sports)

Sports (new / renamed from Sports & Recreation)

  • Amateur (removed)
  • Baseball (new)
  • Basketball (new)
  • College & High School (removed)
  • Cricket (new)
  • Fantasy Sports (new)
  • Football (new)
  • Golf (new)
  • Hockey (new)
  • Professional (removed)
  • Rugby (new)
  • Running (new)
  • Soccer (new)
  • Swimming (new)
  • Tennis (new)
  • Outdoor (removed)
  • Volleyball (new)
  • Wilderness (new)
  • Wrestling (new)


  • Gadgets (removed)
  • Tech News (removed / renamed News > Tech News)
  • Podcasting (removed)
  • Software How-To (removed / renamed Education > How To)

True Crime (new)

TV & Film

  • After Shows (new)
  • Film History (new)
  • Film Interviews (new)
  • Film Reviews (new)
  • TV Reviews (new)

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