You Have Been Told A Lie - Blood, Borders, and Biloela

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You Have Been Told A Lie - Blood, Borders, and Biloela

 4.6 via 72 ratings in Apple Podcasts, Spotify and Podcast Addict
Data: Rephonic
A society & culture podcast from Jay Ooi, Thinesh Thillainadarajah

A family ripped from their rural Queensland community, and a town fighting to bring them back. The Nadesalingam family captured the hearts and minds of people across the world when they were ripped from their regional Australian community of Biloela, but there’s more to this than a heartwarming story.

You Have Been Told A Lie will explore the social fabric of Sri Lanka forcing Tamils to flee, the geopolitical and national forces at play when it comes to Australia’s immigration policy, the groundswell movement from their local community and beyond, the treatment and processing of asylum seekers in Australia, along with the lies we’ve been told along the way. Who does the family need to be in order to stay?

© Shoes Off Productions Pty. Ltd. 2023 · more infoArtwork and data is from the podcast’s open RSS feed; we link directly to audio · Read our DMCA procedure
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