Magellan AI Verified as a Third-Party Attribution Partner by Spreaker from iHeart

Press Release ·

This article is at least a year old

Magellan AI, the podcast advertising analytics and attribution platform with the world’s largest database of podcast advertising data, announced today that they have been validated as a third party partner by Spreaker from iHeart, the leading podcast platform for monetization, globally. This integration will allow all advertising campaigns run on the Spreaker network to use Attribution by Magellan AI, which delivers accurate and in-depth campaign results and attribution analytics.

“We are dedicated to enabling the podcasters on Spreaker to have access to industry-leading data and analytics,” said Mattia Verzella, Head of Partnerships and Enterprise Sales at Spreaker. “We are happy to support Magellan AI as they continue to grow the podcast space through valuable third-party attribution and metrics.”

“We are excited to empower Spreaker users to utilize Attribution by Magellan AI to gain access to in-depth information about advertising campaigns” said Jim Ballas, Head of Publisher Partnerships at Magellan AI. “By connecting attribution data with the robust data that we already aggregate, advertisers and brands will be able to gain even greater insights into the power of podcast ads.”

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Attribution by Magellan AI enables advertisers to access third party delivered impression verification and full-funnel attribution data, from views through conversions and transactions, allowing advertisers to optimize and increase ROI on their podcast campaigns.

Attribution by Magellan AI is currently in beta, with plans to make it widely available in Q1 2023. Publishers and podcasters can currently onboard at no cost. Sign up for the beta program today by visiting

This is a press release which we link to from Podnews, our daily newsletter about podcasting and on-demand. We may make small edits for editorial reasons.

Companies mentioned above:
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