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Readers around the globe are now about to purchase audiobooks through their local bookshops

Press Release · Seattle, WA, USA ·, the audiobook platform for independent bookshops, will launch internationally on 26 July, meaning bookshops around the globe will be able to earn income via audiobook sales.

Audiobooks are the fastest growing segment in publishing, with global revenue expected to reach $35 billion by 2030.

By partnering with, bookshops are able to offer audiobooks individually as well as via a credit model to compete directly with Amazon’s Audible. Founded in 2014, currently partners with 2,200+ independent bookshops across the globe to sell 400,000+ DRM-free digital audiobooks.

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“As an employee-owned company with just 18 employees in the U.S. and U.K., we have experienced firsthand the impact of large corporations on our business, just like many independent bookshops have,” says Mark Pearson, Co-Founder and CEO of “But we believe in the irreplaceable value of independent bookshops in local communities and economies. By expanding globally, we hope to provide readers, authors, and publishers with new ways to help their local bookshops thrive via audiobooks, all while making reading more accessible.”

After creating a account, readers choose an independent bookshop to support. Profits are shared with that bookshop each time the reader makes a purchase, including:

  • Monthly memberships (one audiobook credit, and 30% off additional à la carte purchases)
  • Credit bundles (packages of credits)
  • Individual audiobook purchases
  • Audiobook gifts (including credit bundles and individual audiobook purchases)

As a Social Purpose Corporation, is proud to put the company’s mission and purpose ahead of profits, building the company with the long-term interest of booksellers in mind. More information about can be found on their website.

This is a press release which we link to from Podnews, our daily newsletter about podcasting and on-demand. We may make small edits for editorial reasons.

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