Breaking the Mold: Argh! Not Another Podcast About Book Publishing Unveils a Refreshing Take on the Industry

Breaking the Mold: Argh! Not Another Podcast About Book Publishing Unveils a Refreshing Take on the Industry

Press Release · New York, NY, USA · via KeyMedia Public Relations ·

Join author William May on Argh! Not Another Podcast About Book Publishing as he navigates the often-perplexing world of book publishing. In this humorous and insightful series, William delves into the intricacies of the literary industry, sharing his own experiences and interviewing industry experts. Each episode takes you on a thrilling journey through the world of publishing, offering a unique blend of informative content, insider insights, and, of course, a generous dose of humor.

Episodes include intimate explorations into William’s own life as a writer; a behind-the-scenes glimpse at the creation of the podcast itself; and an interview with poet and editor Lenny DellaRocca, (Pushcart Prize nominee, founder/co-publisher of South Florida Poetry Journal and Founder of WITCHERY: The place for Epoems) discussing his process for finding exceptional poetry to publish. Whether you’re a writer looking to get published or simply a book enthusiast, this podcast offers an entertaining and informative journey through the pages of the publishing world.

The goal of this podcast is simple - to bring a whole new level of excitement and engagement to book publishing discussions. With a commitment to maintaining a lighthearted tone, “Argh!” distinguishes itself by avoiding the over-seriousness that often plagues the industry.

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Here are the initial planned episodes, available on popular platforms like Spotify and Apple Podcasts:

  • October 23 - Episode 0 (Part 1) - Why Am I Doing This?
  • November 4 - Episode 0 (Part 2) - Why Am I Doing This?
  • November 20 - Episode 1 - At Home With Words: Finding Love & Support in the Creative Life
  • December 4 - Episode 2 - Building a Life with Poetry: An Interview With Poet and Editor, Lenny DellaRocca

Argh! Not Another Book Publishing Podcast is being produced by KeyMedia Public Relations owner, international, and award-winning musician Denise Marsa and Meggie Dimitrova, poet, social media strategist, and marketeer at the company.

All episodes will be available to binge ad-free on Spotify and Apple Podcasts. For more about William and his work please visit and be sure to follow him on his social media accounts.

More About William May:

William May, a graduate of Sarah Lawrence College and the University of North Carolina’s MFA in Creative Writing, is a Neurodiverse Language Wizard who discovered his passion for poetry as a young dyslexic student in New York City. He values the power of language and enjoys sharing his poetry through readings, performances, social media, and personalized newsletters while living on the southeast Florida coast with his fiancée Melissa Myers.


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