The Pro Podcast team
Pro Podcast

Pro Podcast celebrates 300 podcast series

Press Release · Barangaroo NSW, Australia · via Pro Podcast ·

Pro Podcast is recreating the podcasting experience with a team of industry experts that help turn podcast ideas into audio and visual experiences that connect and captivate.

Founded by Darcy Milne, Pro Podcast quickly pioneered the podcast space by providing one of Australia’s first podcasting spaces, building an exclusive podcast production portal and gaining industry recognition and awards, including “podcast audio producer of the year.”

Pro Podcast has produced podcasts with LinkedIn, Xero, IKEA, NSW Gov, Lifeline, The Lowy Institute, Mediaweek and more, along with talent including Logan Paul, Lux Listing’s Gavin Rubinstein and independent podcasters.

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Now, Pro Podcast celebrates the production of its 300th podcast series, real Talk, a weekly property news podcast that is all about real questions and real insights by

"It’s an incredible experience to help individuals refine their ideas, produce high-quality content, and connect with their audience.

The journey includes shaping podcast strategies for global brands like LinkedIn, assisting independent podcasters in achieving their goals and cultivating a team passionate about creating content that matters.

Yet, the most rewarding aspect is witnessing the impact of podcasting with its ability to connect and grow an audience.

real Talk is a perfect example of how you can be creative with audio, video and technology to offer an engaging content experience.

Head of Content Marketing at REA Group, Monique Knoblanche, shared, "We are excited to launch a series that will change how people learn and interact with the property market.

In the podcast landscape, quality matters - working with Pro Podcast gave us access to the right advice, services and support for this series, and we’re looking forward to what’s to come."


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