Once Upon A Geek

The Irredeemable Shag
Once Upon A Geek

Celebrating a variety of geeky subjects that we love! Ever-changing topics covering science fiction, comic books, pop culture, what it means to be a geek in this world, and other nostalgia-fueled ideas! Hosted by The Irredeemable Shag and part of THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST NETWORK! Life is short. Focus on the positive. Find Your Joy.

  1. Once Upon A Geek - V UK: Visitation

    5D AGO

    Once Upon A Geek - V UK: Visitation

    ONCE UPON A VISITOR IN THE UK!       Steven Boyd and The Irredeemable Shag find their joy discussing V UK: VISITATION!  This brand-new audio drama by Big Finish Productions faithfully adapts Kenneth Johnson's original "V" mini-series! As life-long fans of "V", we discuss our love for the original "V", and then dig into this new audio adaptation! Finally, Shag covers YOUR listener feedback from the past few episodes! 00:00:30 - Introductions 00:02:45 - Steven's origin story with "V" 00:12:23 - V: The Original Mini-Series (1983) history 00:14:50 - V UK: Visitation - our thoughts on the production, adaptation, and casting 00:34:48 - Steven's story about meeting Kenneth Johnson 00:42:30 - V UK: Visitation SPOILERS start here 00:51:00 - Your listener feedback from the past few episodes 01:42:00 - Sign off Have a question or comment? Looking for more great content? Leave comments on the FIRE & WATER PODCAST website: https://fireandwaterpodcast.com/podcast/ouag30/ Order your copy of V UK: VISITATION from Big Finish: https://www.bigfinish.com/releases/v/v-uk-visitation-3180 Follow Steven Boyd: Comic Collector Live: https://www.comiccollectorlive.com/ Email Steven at: operationccl@panellogicmedia.com This episode brought to you by InStockTrades: http://instocktrades.com Follow Once Upon a Geek: Subscribe via Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/once-upon-a-geek/id1615296641 Subscribe via other podcatchers: http://feeds.feedburner.com/onceuponageek Also available on Spotify, Amazon Music, and Audible Twitter/X: https://x.com/onceuponageek Bluesky: https://bsky.app/profile/onceuponageek.bsky.social Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/onceuponageekpodcast Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/onceuponageekpodcast/ This podcast is a proud member of the FIRE AND WATER PODCAST NETWORK: Fire & Water website: https://fireandwaterpodcast.com Fire & Water Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/FWPodcastNetwork Fire & Water on Twitter/X: https://x.com/FWPodcasts Fire & Water on Bluesky: https://bsky.app/profile/fwpodcasts.bsky.social Fire & Water Podcast Network on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/fwpodcasts Life is short. Focus on the positive. Find Your Joy... and V for Victory.

    1h 46m
  2. Once Upon A Geek - Doctor Who Lucie Miller and 2025 Gallifrey One Pregame

    FEB 9

    Once Upon A Geek - Doctor Who Lucie Miller and 2025 Gallifrey One Pregame

    ONCE UPON A TIMELORD - LUCIE MILLER AND GALLIFREY ONE PREGAME      David "Ace" Gutiérrez and The Irredeemable Shag find their joy discussing Doctor Who, specifically our favorite Eighth Doctor companions, Big Finish audio dramas featuring Lucie Miller, and they do some pregaming for next week's GALLIFREY ONE convention in Los Angeles! Have a question or comment? Looking for more great content? Leave comments on the FIRE & WATER PODCAST website: http://fireandwaterpodcast.com/podcast/ouag29/ Follow David "Ace" Gutiérrez: Blue Sky: https://bsky.app/profile/davidacegutierrez.bsky.social Mr. Ghost Adventures: https://www.webtoons.com/en/canvas/mr-ghost-adventures/list?title_no=925744 This episode brought to you by InStockTrades: http://instocktrades.com Follow Once Upon a Geek: Subscribe via Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/once-upon-a-geek/id1615296641 Subscribe via other podcatchers: http://feeds.feedburner.com/onceuponageek Also available on Spotify, Amazon Music, and Audible Twitter/X: https://x.com/onceuponageek Bluesky: https://bsky.app/profile/onceuponageek.bsky.social Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/onceuponageekpodcast Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/onceuponageekpodcast/ This podcast is a proud member of the FIRE AND WATER PODCAST NETWORK: Fire & Water website: https://fireandwaterpodcast.com Fire & Water Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/FWPodcastNetwork Fire & Water on Twitter/X: https://x.com/FWPodcasts Fire & Water on Bluesky: https://bsky.app/profile/fwpodcasts.bsky.social Fire & Water Podcast Network on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/fwpodcasts Life is short. Focus on the positive. Find Your Joy.

    1h 33m
  3. Once Upon A Geek - Uncanny X-Men #190-191 (1985)

    JAN 12

    Once Upon A Geek - Uncanny X-Men #190-191 (1985)

    ONCE UPON A MUTANT - UNCANNY X-MEN #190-191      Chris Pine and The Irredeemable Shag find their joy discussing classic UNCANNY X-MEN comics and favorite eras! Then we follow our favorite Mutants into NYC turned barbarian battleground with Uncanny X-Men #190-191 written by Chris Claremont and illustrated by John Romita Jr & Dan Green! Have a question or comment? Looking for more great content? Leave comments on the FIRE & WATER PODCAST website: http://fireandwaterpodcast.com/podcast/ouag28/ Follow Chris Pine: Blue Sky: https://bsky.app/profile/chrispine.bsky.social See Shag’s social media posts related to this episode: Twitter/X: https://x.com/search?q=from%3Aonceuponageek%20%23OUAG28&src=typed_query&f=live Bluesky: https://bsky.app/search?q=OUAG28 This episode brought to you by InStockTrades: http://instocktrades.com Follow Once Upon a Geek: Subscribe via Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/once-upon-a-geek/id1615296641 Subscribe via other podcatchers: http://feeds.feedburner.com/onceuponageek Also available on Spotify, Amazon Music, and Audible Twitter/X: https://x.com/onceuponageek Bluesky: https://bsky.app/profile/onceuponageek.bsky.social Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/onceuponageekpodcast Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/onceuponageekpodcast/ This podcast is a proud member of the FIRE AND WATER PODCAST NETWORK: Fire & Water website: https://fireandwaterpodcast.com Fire & Water Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/FWPodcastNetwork Fire & Water on Twitter/X: https://x.com/FWPodcasts Fire & Water on Bluesky: https://bsky.app/profile/fwpodcasts.bsky.social Fire & Water Podcast Network on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/fwpodcasts Life is short. Focus on the positive. Find Your Joy.

    1h 21m
  4. Once Upon A Geek - Blue Devil #4 and DC Sampler #2


    Once Upon A Geek - Blue Devil #4 and DC Sampler #2

    ONCE UPON A BLUE DEVIL - BLUE DEVIL #4!       Our coverage of the classic 1980s BLUE DEVIL comic series continues with BLUE DEVIL #4, plus the Blue Devil pages from DC SAMPLER #2, both cover dated September 1984! Diabolu Frank and The Irredeemable Shag find their joy alongside Dan Cassidy as he arm wrestles Superman, flirts with Zatanna, and comes face-to-face with Nebiros again! Finally, we wrap up with YOUR listener feedback and we fan-cast Sharon Scott! Have a question or comment? Looking for more great content? Leave comments on the FIRE & WATER PODCAST website: https://fireandwaterpodcast.com/podcast/ouag27/ Follow Diabolu Frank: Rolled Spine Podcast Network: https://rolledspine.wordpress.com/ Twitter/X: @rolledspine Bluesky: @diabolu.bsky.social See Shag's social media posts related to this episode: Shag's custom Blue Devil bound comics: https://x.com/onceuponageek/status/1770956835727585611 Twitter/X: https://x.com/search?q=from%3Aonceuponageek+%23OUAG27&src=typed_query&f=live Bluesky: https://bsky.app/search?q=OUAG27 This episode brought to you by InStockTrades: http://instocktrades.com Follow Once Upon a Geek: Subscribe via Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/once-upon-a-geek/id1615296641 Subscribe via other podcatchers: https://feeds.feedburner.com/onceuponageek Also available on Spotify, Amazon Music, and Audible Follow Once Upon A Geek on TWITTER/X: @onceuponageek Follow Once Upon A Geek on BLUESKY: @onceuponageek.bsky.social Follow Once Upon A Geek on INSTAGRAM: @onceuponageekpodcast Like the Once Upon A Geek FACEBOOK page: https://www.facebook.com/onceuponageekpodcast/ This podcast is a proud member of the FIRE AND WATER PODCAST NETWORK: Visit the Fire & Water WEBSITE: http://fireandwaterpodcast.com Follow Fire & Water on TWITTER/X: @FWPodcasts Follow Fire & Water on BLUESKY: @fwpodcasts.bsky.social Like our Fire & Water FACEBOOK page: https://www.facebook.com/FWPodcastNetwork Support The Fire & Water Podcast Network on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/fwpodcasts Use our HASHTAG online: #FWPodcasts Life is short. Focus on the positive. Find Your Joy.

    1h 10m
  5. Once Upon A Geek - What If (vol 1) #24 and What If (vol 2) #2


    Once Upon A Geek - What If (vol 1) #24 and What If (vol 2) #2

    ONCE UPON A WHAT IF!    Andrew Leyland and The Irredeemable Shag find their joy discussing the Marvel comic series that explores the multiverse of cause-and-effect.. WHAT IF! We discuss Andy's history with the series, then we take a deep dive into two issues: What If (vol 1) #24 - “What if… Gwen Stacy had Lived?” What If (vol 2) #2 - “What if… Daredevil Killed the Kingpin?” Have a question or comment? Looking for more great content? Leave comments on the FIRE & WATER PODCAST website: https://fireandwaterpodcast.com/podcast/ouag26/ Follow Andrew Leyland: Hey Kids Comics: https://twotruefreaks.com/podcast/qt-series/hey-kids-comics/ Amazing Spider-Man from the Beginning: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/andrew-leyland0 Palace of Glittering Delights: https://twotruefreaks.com/podcast/category/palace-of-glittering-delights/ Overlooked Dark Knight: https://www.fortressofbaileytude.com/shows-on-the-network/the-overlooked-dark-knight/ See Shag's social media posts related to this episode: Twitter: https://x.com/search?q=from%3Aonceuponageek%20%23OUAG26&src=typed_query&f=live Bluesky: https://bsky.app/search?q=OUAG26 This episode brought to you by InStockTrades: http://instocktrades.com Follow Once Upon a Geek: Subscribe via Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/once-upon-a-geek/id1615296641 Subscribe via other podcatchers: http://feeds.feedburner.com/onceuponageek Also available on Spotify, Amazon Music, and Audible Twitter/X: https://x.com/onceuponageek Bluesky: https://bsky.app/profile/onceuponageek.bsky.social Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/onceuponageekpodcast Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/onceuponageekpodcast/ This podcast is a proud member of the FIRE AND WATER PODCAST NETWORK: Fire & Water website: https://fireandwaterpodcast.com Fire & Water Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/FWPodcastNetwork Fire & Water on Twitter/X: https://x.com/FWPodcasts Fire & Water on Bluesky: https://bsky.app/profile/fwpodcasts.bsky.social Fire & Water Podcast Network on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/fwpodcasts Life is short. Focus on the positive. Find Your Joy.

    1h 35m
  6. Once Upon A Geek - Star Trek Novels


    Once Upon A Geek - Star Trek Novels

    ONCE UPON A STAR TREK NOVEL!       Jon Wilson and The Irredeemable Shag find their joy discussing STAR TREK NOVELS! We chat about our first exposure to Trek books, why we love the novels, our favorite books, favorite eras & favorite authors, and then we spotlight Peter David's novel VENDETTA! Finally, Shag covers YOUR listener feedback from the past few episodes! 00:00:52 - Introductions 00:06:25 - Our first exposure to Trek novels 00:18:15 - What we love about Trek novels 00:23:34 - Favorite eras/niches within Trek novels 00:36:45 - Favorite Trek authors 00:41:00 - Favorite Trek novels 01:07:47 - Spotlight on STAR TREK: VENDETTA (non-spoilers) 01:12:45 - Spotlight on STAR TREK: VENDETTA (Spoilers begin here) 01:39:22 - Your listener feedback from the past few episodes 02:06:45 - Sign off Have a question or comment? Looking for more great content? Leave comments on the FIRE & WATER PODCAST website: https://fireandwaterpodcast.com/podcast/ouag25/ Follow Jon Wilson: Jon Reads Comics: https://jonreadscomics.com/ Twitter/X: https://x.com/jonreadscomics This episode brought to you by InStockTrades: http://instocktrades.com Follow Once Upon a Geek: Subscribe via Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/once-upon-a-geek/id1615296641 Subscribe via other podcatchers: http://feeds.feedburner.com/onceuponageek Also available on Spotify, Amazon Music, and Audible Twitter/X: https://x.com/onceuponageek Bluesky: https://bsky.app/profile/onceuponageek.bsky.social Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/onceuponageekpodcast Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/onceuponageekpodcast/ This podcast is a proud member of the FIRE AND WATER PODCAST NETWORK: Fire & Water website: https://fireandwaterpodcast.com Fire & Water Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/FWPodcastNetwork Fire & Water on Twitter/X: https://x.com/FWPodcasts Fire & Water on Bluesky: https://bsky.app/profile/fwpodcasts.bsky.social Fire & Water Podcast Network on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/fwpodcasts Life is short. Focus on the positive. Find Your Joy.

    2h 12m
  7. 09/08/2024

    Once Upon A Geek - Hero Squared

    ONCE UPON A HERO SQUARED!       Bill Bere and The Irredeemable Shag find their joy discussing HERO SQUARED, the comic book sitcom from BOOM! Studios written by Keith Giffen and JM DeMatteis! Can Captain Valor and Milo, two alternate universe versions of the same guy, learn to live together while also coping with Milo's girlfriend and Valor's archenemy? We cover the first storyline from the 2004 HERO SQUARED X-TRA SIZED SPECIAL one-shot, and 2005 HERO SQUARED #1-3 limited series!  Have a question or comment? Looking for more great content? Leave comments on the FIRE & WATER PODCAST website: https://fireandwaterpodcast.com/podcast/ouag24/ Follow Bill Bere: The Bat-Pod: https://www.thebatpod.com/ Twitter/X: https://x.com/thebat_pod See Shag's social media posts related to this episode: Twitter/X: https://x.com/search?q=from%3Aonceuponageek+%23OUAG24&src=typed_query&f=live Bluesky: https://bsky.app/search?q=OUAG24 This episode brought to you by InStockTrades: http://instocktrades.com Follow Once Upon a Geek: Subscribe via Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/once-upon-a-geek/id1615296641 Subscribe via other podcatchers: http://feeds.feedburner.com/onceuponageek Also available on Spotify, Amazon Music, and Audible Twitter/X: https://x.com/onceuponageek Bluesky: https://bsky.app/profile/onceuponageek.bsky.social Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/onceuponageekpodcast Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/onceuponageekpodcast/ This podcast is a proud member of the FIRE AND WATER PODCAST NETWORK: Fire & Water website: https://fireandwaterpodcast.com Fire & Water Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/FWPodcastNetwork Fire & Water on Twitter/X: https://x.com/FWPodcasts Fire & Water on Bluesky: https://bsky.app/profile/fwpodcasts.bsky.social Fire & Water Podcast Network on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/fwpodcasts Life is short. Focus on the positive. Find Your Joy.

    53 min
  8. Once Upon A Geek - Blue Devil #3 (August 1984)


    Once Upon A Geek - Blue Devil #3 (August 1984)

    ONCE UPON A BLUE DEVIL - BLUE DEVIL #3!       Our coverage of the classic 1980s BLUE DEVIL comic series continues with BLUE DEVIL #3 from August 1984! Diabolu Frank and The Irredeemable Shag find their joy alongside Dan Cassidy as he battles Metallo in S.T.A.R. Labs, to save the life of Superman! Finally, we wrap up with YOUR listener feedback and we fan-cast Wayne Tarrant! Have a question or comment? Looking for more great content? Leave comments on the FIRE & WATER PODCAST website: http://fireandwaterpodcast.com/podcast/ouag23/ Follow Diabolu Frank: Rolled Spine Podcast Network: https://rolledspine.wordpress.com/ Twitter/X: @rolledspine Bluesky: @diabolu.bsky.social See Shag's social media posts related to this episode: Shag's custom Blue Devil bound comics: https://x.com/onceuponageek/status/1770956835727585611 Twitter/X: https://x.com/search?q=from%3Aonceuponageek+%23OUAG23&src=typed_query&f=live Bluesky: https://bsky.app/search?q=OUAG23 This episode brought to you by InStockTrades: http://instocktrades.com Follow Once Upon a Geek: Subscribe via Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/once-upon-a-geek/id1615296641 Subscribe via other podcatchers: http://feeds.feedburner.com/onceuponageek Also available on Spotify, Amazon Music, Audible and Google Podcasts Follow Once Upon A Geek on TWITTER/X: @onceuponageek Follow Once Upon A Geek on BLUESKY: @onceuponageek.bsky.social Follow Once Upon A Geek on INSTAGRAM: @onceuponageekpodcast Like the Once Upon A Geek FACEBOOK page: https://www.facebook.com/onceuponageekpodcast/ This podcast is a proud member of the FIRE AND WATER PODCAST NETWORK: Visit the Fire & Water WEBSITE: http://fireandwaterpodcast.com Follow Fire & Water on TWITTER/X: @FWPodcasts Follow Fire & Water on BLUESKY: @fwpodcasts.bsky.social Like our Fire & Water FACEBOOK page: https://www.facebook.com/FWPodcastNetwork Support The Fire & Water Podcast Network on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/fwpodcasts Use our HASHTAG online: #FWPodcasts Life is short. Focus on the positive. Find Your Joy.

    1h 43m
out of 5
18 Ratings


Celebrating a variety of geeky subjects that we love! Ever-changing topics covering science fiction, comic books, pop culture, what it means to be a geek in this world, and other nostalgia-fueled ideas! Hosted by The Irredeemable Shag and part of THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST NETWORK! Life is short. Focus on the positive. Find Your Joy.

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