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Podnews podcasting news has made the following top listener charts on Goodpods:

#46 in the Top 100 Indie Overall chart

#54 in the Top 100 Overall chart

#1 in the Top 100 Technology chart

Goodpods Top 100 Shows
Listeners have voted with their ears to get you on the charts! Here are some ideas to keep the momentum going:
  • Take a screenshot and send it out via social media, email, SMS etc.
  • Use the share buttons on Goodpods to invite others to listen to your show so it has a chance to stay on the list (or move up!)
  • Share this with potential advertisers
We are here to help in any way we can, so please get in touch with us at any time!
Happy listening!

You received this email because you have a podcast that is available to listeners via the Goodpods app.

@Goodpods LCC 2019. Goodpods is owned and run by Goodpods LLC, Dover, Delaware 19904

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